The Green NHRA

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Bob Kraemer, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Here we go. I tried to be sweet and nice. I'll just have to give you the facts...

    Al Gore's #1 guy, Dr. Phil Jones, finally had enough of the crap:

    #2. Read this:

    #3 Then this:

    #4. Then this from that Glenn Beck supporting conservative NPR (LOL):

    #5. This is very interesting:


    #7. Even your buddie John Stewart on TheDailyShow is trashing the MMGW crowd.

    Why did I post this and what does it have to do with racing? MMGW guys have an agenda. It does not include you racing your car. Trust me. I live in The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia and CARB (California Air Rescources Board) is the EPA on steroids. Try opening any business here that actually does any work and see what happens.

    You can get back to us after you have dinner. BTW, since you brought it up, send me a PM with a list of where Glenn Beck is distorting the truth and why you threw his name at me. The White House can't find any distortions and is afraid of him, afraid enough to fire some of the self proclaimed commies that were appointed by this administration and outed by Beck while the main stream media was quiet. I'm sure the huffington post, the daily kos or Keith Obermann can help you out.

    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1.22.

  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Perfect. That's exactlly what I was saying should be done 2+ years ago. The bracket racers wanted my head for suggesting clean burning fuels should become manditory even in pro stock (lead free). Canada banned leaded fuel in racing several years ago. NHRA's answer to that was the elimination of races in San Aire rather than giving the idea some thought.

    I was tarred and feathered for suggesting such a thing as alky or unleaded fuels, and I warned that unless NHRA gets busy the EPA will come along and knee jerk in harsh rules that will not be good.

  3. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    YO WILL - I lost count of what round it is and I'm sure everyone else is bored to death with this (and i haven't even started with my sarah palin one liners) but you did have some rule you put out we stop?

    REEHL EQUIPMENT Authorized Merchant

    Mar 17, 2004
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    No, we shouldn't stop!

    Why do we have to be so clean when we are getting everything from China, where they aren't?
  5. mark6052

    mark6052 Member

    Jul 24, 2005
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    Will this is your site to do as you please. but this is not JUST politics. this affects raceing. racers need to understand that choices they make in politics affect our sport. we can NOT just go race and have fun. Its the same with my hunting and gun rights. look what could have happened in canada if they would have went through with banning leaded fuel. for the record folks, these "problems" with EPA started way back many decades ago. to many just went racing thinking it wouldnt affect them. the EPA is a runaway agency answering to nobody. I have learned alot on ITA, including this. this is a good place for all racers heavily involved in this sport financially& such. the politicians you support for whatever reasons may have a different point of view about racing. get involved, vote, and let them know THEY WORK FOR US. sensible rules we can agree with, sensible laws we can live with. :D I wonder if ralph nader has ever been to a drag race?
  6. Cap Racing

    Cap Racing New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Sadly, I don't think we have a choice but to be proactive. This is a slap on the wrist compared to the real trouble we could be in concerning the noise and the approx location of fans in the pits during warm ups etc. In other words the Government could get real hard on us if they chose to so doing what we can to be environmentally friendly is a good thing. At least it beats the alternative of making things so difficult that racing would be nearly impossible.
  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I'm going to stay out of this, but I'm going to proove a point why this doesn't work.

    Here's enough rope to hang yourself....have at it. I can just about guarantee this post will have someone cussing someone within the next 20 posts, if it makes it that far. That's why political posts don't work.

    When this gets personal, it gets deleted.

    Fire away...
  8. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    A couple of observations and recommendations...

    No matter how clean burning nitro is, ESPN2 needs to stop shoving the gas masks in the faces of the TV viewers on the screen during the pit warm-ups. While it's cool at the track not everyone channel surfing will think gas masks are neat. Especially if their last name is Nader. While we understand, people who never go to the races watching TV would never understand why the teams have to wear hazmat gas masks during a simple warm up yet the yellow clouds are OK for the fans to breathe. Or that the yellow clouds are allowed to just blow away with the wind.

    NHRA needs to make a bigger deal out of the oil and solvent recycling that is already taking place in the pits so the casual fan knows something is being done to protect the environment. Maybe an explaination on signs at the entry gates informing the fans that NHRA Drag Racing is the leader in motorsports when it comes to protecting the environment. They also need to impliment a leaded racing fuel ban some time soon.

    NHRA dealt with the environmental noise issues by installing massive sound walls at the Fairplex when the heat was on. I think the heat could get even worse if they are perceived to be complacent about other environmental issues.

  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    YO BARRY. I'm still waiting for an answer. I checked my PM's and you have yet to give me the goods on GB or defend the MMGW BS after all the links I provided. Many of the links are from your side of the ideological isle with admissions I'm sure you'd prefer to plug your ears over.

    First you bring in GB and SH and now you want to throw Palin under the bus in a discussion that has nothing to do with any of them. Stop the political deflections and stay on topic so Will doesn't hit the thread vaporize button.

  10. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I don't believe for one second the entire Green movement has anything to do with Clean Air and Water! It may have at one time, till the extremists moved in and extended the hand of the federal government to reach into people's personal lives. Now you can't smoke in practically all public places, and in some cases your own home! It all comes down to personal freedoms we Americans are surrendering on a daily basis, it's a 24/7 attack on American freedoms! And sad to say to many Americans play along!
  11. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    It is nice to know what ITA members voted for this current administration; makes it easier to utilize the ignore feature. Glenn Beck is a little too dramatic, but at least he usually has his ducks in a row.

    Please post your favorite global warming (or climate change) stories here. Below is one of my favorites:

    Old story - San Francisco will experience extreme fog due to global warming.
    New story - San Francisco is experiencing low fog due to global warming.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  12. Ro Yale

    Ro Yale Member

    May 5, 2006
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    Hell, I just wanna know what cleaners I can use that are effective. When you take away my brake cleaner give me an alternative.:cool:
  13. Tom Jones

    Tom Jones Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    brake cleaner

    CRC (Brakleen), Valvoline, and even Wal Mart sell non-clorinated brake cleaner.

    How do you recommend we dispose of oily rags, and the 17 empty (almost) quart jugs of oil that we use every run?

    Tom Jones
  14. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    And, finally, the responsibility of compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations belongs to the participant.
    NHRA will post information provided by tracks on the national registration website when provided by the national event facilities.
    NHRA intends to work with government entities, agencies and tracks to monitor and enforce the new environmental management program. Penalties, for non-compliance, will be assessed by NHRA, with a minimum $1,000 fine imposed for any violation.
    The entire environmental management responsibility program as well as the training session will be posted on the registration website. When competitors log into their account, they will be required to complete the training and sign the agreement before they can complete the registration process.

    So where does that leave us,the driver, in the event of an oil down? do we need to find some kind of insurance for this?
  15. HerntDawg

    HerntDawg New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    The Nuke factories are back in business. Let's rock!!!!
  16. MaineAlkyFan

    MaineAlkyFan Active Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    I'm sure you all know this, but the non-clorinated cleaners are:


    Will eat paint

    Will attach some plastics

    Are lousy at knocking wasps (the insect kind) out of the sky.

    The clorinated stuff is much more user friendly...

    Chris Saulnier
    Gray, Maine
  17. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    If you believe that you have the right to do anything you want to simply because you don't want to be inconvenienced, than keep doing it. If you believe that you can't work along with a government agency, than don't try. Call them names. That should work well. If you don't care about your children and their children's future than continue to destroy the people that do care. I find it difficult to believe that a person could get a three thousand horsepower car down a racetrack without killing them self but needs me to tell them to take their empty oil jugs home and drain them.
    Randy - I have read some of what you posted. I'm sure some of it is correct, just as in "an inconvenient truth". No one is correct all the time. That's the importance of trying to find a solution before things get out of control instead of hating someone because of their voting record. And speaking of voting records - I never said how or for who I voted. But I will tell you this - I refuse to dance to the tune that Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck or any other pied piper plays. They are laughing all the way to the bank. (citrus cleaners work pretty good)
  18. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Kinda confused here. No one has said what anyone's voting record is. And, if you ever watched Glenn Beck...he says "Don't believe me or what I go seek the truth and cling to it."

    So far all the MMGW/government takeover crowd has done is hide data and results that don't match their agenda. When I see people lying, covering up, manipulating raw data, ignoring data that damages their arguement and dismissing scientific data that proved otherwise by calling those top rated scientists who weren't marching lockstep to MMGW "irrelevant" and "ignorant" it makes me go "Hmmmm." These guys want the grant money to continue. If they announce MMGW is a hoax then they lose their funding. It's all about control and $$, especially for the likes of Gore who went from a measly $2M net worth to over $100M pushing his lies and his propaganda movie.

    That's like going to the dyno and before the first pull you claim your blown alky motor makes 3,000 HP. After a few pulls you don't like what you see so you ignore the real numbers, inject a little nitros oxide, tweek the instruments so far out of spec that even my PT Cruiser motor would indicate 1,500 HP if we tested it, publish the numbers as fact and call it an "Inconvenient Truth." I bet you'd be the first one to call BS on that.

    For the record, we buy Valvoline by the 55 gallon drum. We pour it into reusable containers that fit into the cabinets in my trailer. The drums are returned to be refilled. We dump the oil at the track in the proper disposal bins. You will not find any empty oil bottles, as you say, with any oil in them near my pit. If that was directed toward me then I accept your apology ahead of time. Maybe I'm not paying attention or something, but it's been a long time since I've seen any alky racers using oil from quart bottles, I could be wrong.

    I bet I can race my clean burning top alcohol funny car all year on less energy than Al Gore uses to do one of his anti business/anti American "progressive" climate alarmists speeches he gets paid so much for.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  19. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Let me state my position on global warming vs. clean environment.

    My biggest gripe with the global warming deal is that it has taken so much attention away from just cleaning up the environment in general. Whether you believe in global warming or not, it's turned into a means to a political end. The people who push it are such hypocrites, and their followers are blind to it. I forget the figures, but I think Al Gore's house uses 5x the electricity of a normal house. Meanwhile GW's house in Crawfordsville, Texas uses geothermal energy and heating. Diane Sawyer asked him if he would become a vegetarian like he preaches, he laughed and said no. I'm supposed to drive a prius or electric car while these politicians fly all over the place on private jets. If they at least practiced what they preached, you could half ass respect that, but they don't.

    If used oil jugs are a problem, maybe NHRA should provide a collection point.
  20. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Randy - The oil deal is a good idea. Very green. Not to mention cost effective. Even the 2.5 gallon jugs work good. I use Lucas. Proud sponsor of the NHRA.
    I detect you have a strong hatred for Al Gore because after he served in the military, then in government for more than 18 years he makes money on books and speeches. WOW! You must absolutely detest Sarah Palin. 11 million dollars for a book deal - 10,000 bucks for a speech to the tea party.... and millions and millions of dollars more rolling in every day- all after running away from office after only 24 months!

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