tafc engines

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by badbird, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
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    May 6, 2003
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    tafc combo

    Graham -
    Most of the top running TAFC's running a fathead combo still run a 521 4.467 x 4.150. The most common deck height is +.100 but there is a fair bit of std deck motors out there.

    Some people claim a 522 in case you get pumped. I think the rule is your motor can be 2-3 inches smaller than what you claim if you get pumped, but can't be bigger. So it's an old habit more than anything to claim an extra inch. I honestly don't think they would mess with you anymore since the class is a maximum cid deal now rather than a pound per cid deal like years ago.

    The -.500 short deck deal really got popular with the lightweight outlaw pro mod crowd. it does help visibility with a FC as well.

    The longer deck height has less rod angle with the longer rod, so it's easier on the rings. The shorter deck with shorter rod will give you more piston speed.

    Another benefit of the big bore is it unshrouds the intake valve and should let it breathe better.

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