Sponsor Flight

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by nitrohawk, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    If you read NHRA web site you would never know that there is an exodus of sponsors like never before. If you want to know what is going on don.t bother looking at their web site. Its like if we don't talk about it will go away.
  2. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    nhra.com has been a page behind for a couple years. Sorta resembles the parent company don't ya think???
  3. barszcz

    barszcz New Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    i dont know what its like to run a large company like NHRA i mean most anyone that knows me knows that i have had a hell of a time running my own small business for the last few years but i think NHRA needs to get more involved with the teams. look at NASCAR. they actually help teams find and procure sponsorships. last i heard NHRA had actually stolen some sponsorships from some teams and gave them national events and "official sponsor titles."

    i can tell you right now, that this will never happen. but, i will tell you that this is what needs to happen. otherwise they are going to find themselves with an organization with no organized racers. look at the current top fuel car count... i think theres going to be 8 maybe 9 full time cars next year. funny car will have 13-15 give or take. and the funny thing is its more costly to run a funny car than a dragster but its better for finding advertising. but when theres none to be had???

    no one is buying race cars either. we have a couple of customers decide that they didnt want to pay for their cars as well. so, now i find myself working for a race team again. i consider myself fortunate that i made a move before vegas because now there are 100+ crew guys in brownsburg that dont have jobs.

    something needs to happen. maybe we can go to washington and ask that new president guy for an economic bailout???

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