Speaking about parity...

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Pat McGill, May 27, 2003.

  1. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Anyone think a BAD had a chance to beat Bradshaw in the final at Topeka?

    Alan Bradshaw (R/T 0.024) 5.285 @ 262.64
  2. R4K

    R4K New Member

    May 11, 2003
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    try "Joker" (aka KEVIN) OTHER THAN THAT I DON'T THINK SO. ;)
  3. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Pat: I agree. What the teams that don't want a rules change don't see is that people only love winners for a little while, and then they move on to something else. What fans REALLY love is the battle. Pretty soon, there won't be a battle between A-fuel and blown alcohol anymore; when that happens, you know it's just going to be a giant yawn, and A-fuel cars are just going to be the nitro burners that don't go so fast or make as much noise as the big boys. People are fickle: does anyone really care who won American Idol LAST year?
  4. R4K

    R4K New Member

    May 11, 2003
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    PAT- (not McGill) Due to the fact that you are very well connected- please take the time to share your full views on what COULD happen- what SHOULD happen- what YOU WOULD LIKE to have happen and what you feel WILL happen. I know this topic is some times beaten to death but I value your insight ( by the way- I can't afford a C series blower at this time lol!) ;)
  5. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I should have added 'with a brain' after 'Anyone' in my original question.
  6. Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown Top Dragster

    May 26, 2003
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    I should have added 'with a brain' after 'Anyone' in my original question. </font>[/QUOTE]Rodge, you try and make a mockery of me on the other board? now you must spread hate and discontent here as well? I thought Will had a pretty good site going until you started to dribble....Rodge McGill you state you have a high credential with NHRA and most respect you? I for one find this very hard to believe when all that comes out of your mouth is hate and dis content!

    I am a licensed TAD driver, my car is certed till 5-04, I am working very hard to get back out there and run! I own a company and if I would have ran 2002 I would have lost it due to the economy.

    That being said, put up or shut up! I am sick and tired of "Professional" people with "Credentials" slamming me and others....my friend, you have one hell of a set of balls saying some of the things that ran Jim off the other site, BIG BALLS....I will NOT allow you to kick me in the nuts any longer, Show us you are a man....tell us who you are? "No Balls No babies"

    I went to the movies last weekend....could you be RODGE ALMIGHTY? I saw your brother Bruce's show!

    R4K, Ironic isn't it? a TAD (AFD) driver picking a BAD car to win the championship this year huh? I have seen Shields run those numbers as did Rick Santos....I'm the bad guy? Good luck to you guys this year!

    Pat, please tell Norm hello....and CONGRATS on your first FC win! That PSI was humpin' I do thank Norm for his passion of the sport!

    Will, thanks for the site! I like the new format!

    Peace, Kevin Brown (note....No screen name!!!!)I don't hide.....
  7. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Kevin: Thanks for the congratulations; I'll tell Norm you said hi. What we really wanted all those years was to do it with a screw blower, not a Roots, but it wasn't to be. Probably no one remembers that one of our first customers was Joe Amato. Sigh. And yes, Norm is passionate about blown alcohol racing, and it bothers him more than you could know to see what is happening to it: racers sitting in staging for hours, getting sidelined while every other class runs; teams quitting because they feel they can't compete; and all the other problems you all have discussed here. The thing is, there aren't enough good-running A-fuelers to fill all the divisions and national events. With nothing but short fields, the fan interest will wane, and NHRA will probably cut back on events even more than they have. As much as you defend the class, Kevin, I don't think this is what you really want. It may hurt for a short time to actually give up a modicum of performance, but you'll actually win in the end, by gaining closer competition, more spectator appeal, safer cars, and less expensive hurt parts. Bob, I'm not ignoring your question. I just think it should be for the racers to say what they want to do about the problem. And not here: say it to the NHRA.
  8. R4K

    R4K New Member

    May 11, 2003
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    I understand your position Pat- I just wanted to hear your feelings- I belong to T.A.R.A. and hope trust they will bring all of our concerns to NHRA-
    Kevin- we have never met, and my comment was in jest- not meant to be hurtfull- As you know, you are passionate to the extreme re: a/f which is understandable, and your performance (including track record at mission, BC speaks for itself)You may have picked Duane to win, and the Shields team is nothing but filled with first class people from Tree to Bill and all sizes in between- but- they do not have a 5.1 in that car with the present rules and to my knowledge a 5.2 was Duanes best (I may be wrong) not quite equal to many fine a/fd teams this year. I think your prediction will prove to be wrong, even if we let you pick, Shelley, Marty or Mark Hentges along with Duane. JUST WON'T HAPPEN. So far this year a consistant 5.40 BAD is a hitter. Tuff to hope for the odd 5.3 to show up with a Bartone, Reichert or several hard runnin a/fd's in the other lane. Hope to see you out this year or next, just keep that 5.3 car of yours in Div 7. Already to may tuff cars in 6 lol. ;)
    sorry- my name is BOB MEEK and I also don't hide!

    [ May 27, 2003, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: R4K ]
  9. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    pat don,t you think that its very obvious that the alky funny cars could care less what is happening in dragster it don,t apply to them maybe they should have them whatch a. fuel class come to reality in their catergory and watch them bitch when they start getting pushed out of the program. 2 tenths in their mind is parity same way other people thinks.
  10. Max Power

    Max Power New Member

    May 26, 2003
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    Parity in TAD !!! It is nothing more than an illusion at this time. Will it hurt in the long run ?
    I think it may...

  11. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Mike: To be perfectly honest, I've never heard a TAFC driver talk about the situation in TAD -- maybe Norm has. I do know that Jay Payne announced in National Dragster when he switched to TAFC that the reason was A-fuel. I suppose a sanctioning body would consider that a push.
  12. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Pat ( not drazy) Mcgill,

    I am not sure what the weather conditions were, but if a blown car ran close to their best run ever and had a perfect light, I think the blown would have won.

    My two cents worth. Parity is like practice; What is all the talk about parity, lets talk about the race.
  13. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Tjenna: If you want a good indicator about weather conditions, as opposed to track condtions, and you're not there to test it, look at pro stock, because they are more horsepower-limited than the blown classes, which tend to be more affected by the track. At Englishtown, the best pro stock run was a 6.67, whereas the same guy only ran a best of 6.808 at Topeka. From one who WAS there, when Duane Shields ran his 5.26 at Englishtown last year (one of only two runs in the 20s by a blown car), it was minus 400 corrected and a good track. Last weekend in Topeka, it was plus 3300 corrected and a fair track. Truly a case of apples and oranges, as T. Smith likes to say. Pat (not McGill)
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    to answer your question mcgill - no

    parity in tad is pretty much a joke right now.

    all bs aside, all numbers aside, what it boils down to is when an a/fuel car hits its best run and a blown car hits its best run, the a/fueler will win every time. the bradshaw vs. wells round 2 matchup in houston was a good example. rick santos and norm grimes are commonly used as the barometer for the blown cars, and wells has the exact car and combination he had. bradshaw drives the quickest car in the history of the class - randy meyer's rocket ship that went 5.13 last year. bradshaw went 5.19 pedaling it while wells went 5.36. a perfect run in those conditions for a blown car might have been a lower .30. obviously from the way bradshaw pedaled it, there might have been a low teen or 5.0 in it.

    i'll add the rest of my comments in the upcoming no shake zone.

    i'm on the a/fuel side of the fence now, and maybe i'm cutting my own throat, but something needs to be done. either slow the a/fuelers down or speed the blown cars up.

    btw its definitely a different feeling going into a race with an a/fueler. even tho we haven't ran worth a damn, i know the only thing between us and reichert and bradshaw is the tuneup.
  15. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Will: Speaking of the tune-up, I recently heard a number for what the "Darien" tune-up costs, and I just can't believe anyone would pay that much to run in TAD -- especially to run a combination that is famously "inexpensive" to run? Can you tell us what the real number is? Maybe people who are on the fence would find that information useful. Thanks -- Pat
  16. T.Smith

    T.Smith Top Dragster

    May 22, 2003
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    Hmmmm....let me do some digging.
  17. David Smith

    David Smith Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Will did you get to make any License Test Passes in Topeka Monday?

  18. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    It amazes me that NHRA/Imbrogno haven't done anything yet. Their lack of action, in my eyes, doesn't bode well for sportsmen racing as a whole. Wonder what AFD racers really think about the parity issue?
  19. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Any news on the A-fuel rule change?
  20. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Last year I made a bet with Speedzone that the top 20 runs this year would be by A-fuel cars! No one thought was a big deal? Hell if $1,200 low qualifyer $$$ isn't no big deal, why not allow the blown cars to run Low ET for a change? Its amazing every time this discussion comes up, alls the Crackheads say is Santos, Santos, Santos! Gettin old don't ya think?

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