Reason(s) for the dwindling car counts at National events

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by jim@victoryracecars, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Ghost - Kevin

    Ghost - Kevin Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Jeff...My comments were not about you or directed toward you.

    I was addressing a notion that all or most teams are spending 10 grand per race. Some do, most do not. And those who do, do so because they are able to, and that's great. Many are our customers so it's a good thing they do.

    I was not addressing the bad things that can happen to all teams out here at any minute. It's all a gamble when we light these things and those kinds of mishaps are bad for all teams' budgets.

    But, could it be that many new or old teams don't even bother to try believing they can't compete because they hear that it takes a team of 6 and 10 grand per race to be in the mix???...(low car counts????)

    If we (me and Kris) had believed that it took that much many years ago where would we be? We always had the oldest car, oldest parts, smallest trailer, and little to no crew. Some even laughed, but they didn't laugh for long. We showed up anyway, and kept showing up, we kept it together and we got better every race. And some times we beat some of the players that maybe were spending 10 grand per race.

    We went to the 2004 US Nationals with a 25 year old car and 18 year old engine parts...and still found a way into the show...

    There are great budget teams that work like everyone else, get to the track, and get down the track for much less than 10 grand per....that's all I was pointing out.

    As far as me being nice?...people read and believe what they want. I guess opinions vary and I don't much worry about it. We work 7 days a week to have what we have. We have great customers and we still can't, and won't, ever spend a large sum of money to do this. It truly is our way of marketing our products. There is no better way that I can think of to advertise and market a product.

    Got to finish the car now and get the trailer loaded....And, by the way..the "you" I mentioned in the previous post was not directed at you Jeff specifically, it was a shout out to "anyone" who wants to help us at the line in Seattle....

    Thanks all...and Cody I did get your email...and will look it over...

    Kevin Hool
    "The Ghost" TAFC10
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012

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