RAY VEIRHELLER!!! Barberton, OH.

Discussion in 'Classifieds Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by c_adgent, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    will the gentleman from Australia PLEASE call me. I have spoke with a detective today & need to give you his info. I really don't want to post it on an open forum .

    there is NO reason to pay 19000.00 for a dragster and NOT receive ANYTHING !!!! Im SURE it's very frustrating, knowing your in another country & the thief is over here STILL stealing from people !!!

    well, I believe I have found someone to help you with that problem !!!

    270 869 8853 shop

    270 831 4053 cell

  2. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Craig, I'd just like to say thank you for calling me, Lt Jamison's info is in the E mail I sent you. I'm sure when you & he finally get to speak you'll find there ARE some truly concerned people in the US, that work hard & don't like others getting STOLEN from !!

    Will, I hope you were able to find time to go over my PM. thanks , Steve
  3. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    well, I've had calls from Barberton police, to a local state investigator that was here yesterday. the ONE thing I said, and I just HAVE to wonder, as SMOOTH a bullshiter as ray is, and HE IS SMOOTH >>>> WHY in the world isn't he at a new car dealer OR selling something somewhere ??? I know a few guys that make over 300k a year selling cars, and THEY aren't as slick as ray !!! so WHY would a guy that OBVIOUSLY has a natural ability to be able to sell someone , NOT making a GOOD living legally ???????

    thanks for the space, thanks for ALL of the guys that have helped to CATCH this guy. and I feel terrible for the people that have gotten scammed !!!

    Steve Keen

    270 869 8853 work

    270 831 4053 cell

    skeen2@bellsouth.net e mail
  4. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    fellow racers

    Ray appeared in court Monday, he paid restitution { 2800 } and they let him plead to theft UNDER 500 !!! which is a misdemeanor, they gave him a year AND 30 days in jail, they suspended 365 days PENDING the check he brought from his attorney cleared my bank, he has to serve 30 days in jail HERE in ky. it was the ONLY deal the county attorney could cut AND get my money back UP FRONT . I talked with my wife about it, he's facing several felony's in OH, so it was give my 2800 up and force them to go to trial, he'd most likely have been sentenced to 2-5 years, BUT, since he is a first time felon, they would have let him out on shock probation in a matter of weeks !!!! so to save the county money { from going to trial } I took this route, they were VERY perceptive of what I wanted to happen. I REALLY figure he'll wind up in prison for a while, and once he gets the first felony, after that, they will charge him with PFO { persistent felony offender. it DOUBLES your sentence !! } He just CAN"T keep from stealing from people !!!

    If just ONE person saw this and kept from getting scammed. then I accomplished what I set out to do.

    IF I had JUST entered ray's name OR phone number in the Google search bar, I would NEVER have had this happen, SO SOME FREE< GOOD ADVICE..... do an internet search on anyone you don't know BEFORE sending them your HARD EARNED money !!!!

    Thanks for the space will, and thanks for pointing out the same IP address .. it helped the guy in Australia .
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Ray pled guilty to four counts of felony theft on June 2. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison, which was suspended and he was placed on two years of probation. He was ordered to make full restitution to the victims (8) in the amount of $13,950. He has to attend and complete a Gamblers Anonymous course and is forbidden from selling or offering to sell anything via the internet directly or through a third party.

    So if you see anything for sale from the Akron/Dayton Ohio or even Cleveland area, be careful.

    I hope everyone gets paid and Ray cleans his act up and moves on from this.

    If anyone wishes to read the full copy of the case, click the link below:


    You will then need to click records search, agree to the disclaimer, criminal records, then type his name in.
  6. c_adgent

    c_adgent Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Great Job Guys!!! Hope this sends a strong message to anyone attempting to screw people over in the future. Glad for all this crap to be over with....& my check cleared the bank!!
  7. MoparMartian

    MoparMartian Member

    Dec 16, 2008
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    I never received my awning or my money back.
    Has everybody else received retribution for all their items?
  8. c_adgent

    c_adgent Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Did you file a complaint with Barberton County?
  9. MoparMartian

    MoparMartian Member

    Dec 16, 2008
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    I talked to the assistant DA several times but I have not heard back from him in the last 6 weeks.
    I will call again, but I was curious if anybody else had not been reimbursed.
  10. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Mopar, I'm not aware of what your particular situation is/was, BUT, if you DID NOT file a felony complaint, they won't be sending any money. ONLY the actual case of a FELONY and the time behind bars that comes with it , will get you ANYTHING from Mr. verheller. He has ALMOST ruined MY ability to trust ANYONE now !!!! I bought some projacks from a legitimate guy, unknown to me, the part of Alabama he was in was hit by a terrible ice storm {KY was hit by one of the worst in history about 5 years ago, so afterword's I totally understood} , instead of asking if there was any problem I IMMEDIATLY assumed { that magic word } he was ripping me off JUST LIKE RAY HAD !!!!! I said things to this guy that I am STILL ashamed of even after I made as public apology on Facebook & 2 other racing sites that had no idea of my transaction, I just felt SO terrible, that I wanted this person to KNOW I truly was sorry.

    the ONLY reason I'm mentioning this, is this can potentially taint your ability to trust those that you may have never given a second thought to before !!! in HUNDREDS of deals where I have paid up front, or someone sent me product & I was just supposed to send them money, THIS was the only flat out thief in the entire span of my purchases.. he DIDN"T HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL !!!! he was taking random pictures off the internet & posting these items as HIS !!! and being paid for them, THEN telling dozens & dozens of lies as to WHY HE HADN'T SHIPPED THE ITEMS !!!!!

    IT'S THE DAMNEST THING I've ever BEEN PART OF, OTHER THAN TWO CHASSIS GUYS Im aware of, I HAVE never HEARD OF ANYONE DOING ANYTHING LIKE THIS. AT LEAST THE CHASSIS GUYS HAD THE ABILITY to eventually build what they got paid for {IF IT WOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO THAT, but people were just OUT the money } this guy had nothing, and never intended to produce anything other than a lie !!!!!

    I sincerely hope you get some sort of restitution. I was prepared to kiss 2800.00 good by JUST to see him set in jail for months or years, ONLY when the DA said he's a first time offender { BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD FILE CHARGES } and would LIKELY only serve weeks or no more than a few months, that he could get my money back AND get a small amount of jail time , that I decided I'd just as soon have my money & a little jail time AS TO no money and a little jail time !!!! the justice system damn sure isn't fair. I KNOW if I did anything like this Id serve MAJOR time, and I've never been in trouble with the law.

    If there is anyway I can help you in some way, please let me know.

    Steve Keen

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