RAY VEIRHELLER!!! Barberton, OH.

Discussion in 'Classifieds Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by c_adgent, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Charlie Yannetti

    Charlie Yannetti New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    Will someone please post the contact numbers for Lt Jamison and the DA handling this deal.. people would like to know how to reach them.. IMAGINE THAT!!
  2. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Read the whole damn post! It's all right there. We have all been posting info for months and now his attorney is Watching what the people with warrants out for him post. So becareful what you post.
  3. c_adgent

    c_adgent Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Headed to Ohio!!!

    Got my subpoena yesterday from Summit County, Ohio. Looks like we got ourselves a trial date March 6th!! Maybe they will throw the book @ this jerkwad.
  4. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    last week was rays court date, they offered him a DEAL, pay restitution, plead guilty to a misdemeanor , and serve 4 months. HE DIDNT TAKE THE DEAL, BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT TO SERVE ANY TIME ANY !!!!!!

    so march the grand jury here's the case, which the prosecutor said is a slam dunk, rays attorney is trying the " its a civil case " !!! { my sister IS an A rated attorney , and by " definition" , THEFT is what he committed} . so the chance for him to avoid having a felony on his record is gone, however, the prosecutor did say, that since this was a " non violent " crime, he "could " get a five year sentence { 3-5 is what this crime is generally given } , and be RELEASED on " shock" probation, after as little as 10 weeks !!!! ... my biggest fear was he wouldn't return for trial. the prosecutor was VERY clear, a felony indictment from a grand jury was NOT something you could run from { meaning they WOULD pick him up in ANY state, there was no mileage radius as there was to start with .

    it's worth noting that the veirhellers took the approach that I would OR could, convince the county attorney to drop the sentence to JUST restitution !!!! they even showed a check { from their attorneys trust } that was for the 2800.00 that he STOLE from me !!!. I told him I was by NO MEANS wealthy , but if I let it slide , he'll be right back to stealing from people again !!!! the prosecutor could / would , only say, I can't stop him from stealing, but I CAN make sure that he KNOWS not to steal from ANYONE in Henderson county !!!! . and I guess that's REALLY all I can ask of them.

    as for the guy I've spoken to in Michigan, did you get paid ??? { they wanted to pay him in return for dropping charges also }

    and the gentleman I've spoken to in Australia,, YOU REALLY NEED TO GET ON THE DAMN BALL !!! , no offence, but YOUR case is right at 20,000.00 bucks !!!!! and I'm CERTIAN that it WOULD land him in a cell for a LONG stretch !!!!!

    I hope others will keep the rest of us updated on what is going on with your particular case , as it " could " help with another case, OR prove that he IS a persistent felony offender { PFO }, which DOUBLES your sentence !!!!

    270 869 8853 is my business number
    270 831 4053 is my cell/home number

    if there is any way I can help anyone, PLEASE , don't hesitate to call me. Fifth Third Bank is who he used to HELP commit the crime against me, the patriot act " should " have had someone "looking " into his account transactions. I have no idea if they can be charged or sued over this, but before this is all said and done, I WILL know ..

    thanks to all that have helped me. if we don't look out for each other, then someone will be screwing one of us all the time .
  5. Mark Leigh

    Mark Leigh Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Thanks for the update ! Nail him to the wall !
  6. c_adgent

    c_adgent Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Trail Extended

    Quick Note.... Ray's Trial date has been exteneded as per The DA. If you were planning on making the trial date, March 6th, please get in contact with prosecutor Mike Todd.
  7. skeen

    skeen Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    May 14th is his trial date here

    BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I got a call yesterday from a guy in TX, and he had just been scammed out of 1600.00 by ray { He's using an alias now !!! }

  8. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    He is still doing it because he is using that money to pay off the people who put a warrant out for him so well drop charges and he can keep going. His parents don't have a dime to there name. He was still scamming paying off his other debt. He is the detention of a real POS!!


    Apr 18, 2014
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    I know Ray and his family and have know them for years. I have done business with him. I have bought parts from him. In fact, I am buying the wheels the guy in Texas did not want.

    Here are a few things to set the record straight. Ray and I have discussed this situation at length.

    1. Jay70 by your own admission you are the guy who got "screwed" from Michigan. Did you get your money back? If so, where did the check come from? Did it clear? When was the check dated? It has been several months based on the information I have been given. So please confirm so the public can know. Because from what I have read from the posts, you have conveniently left out the parts of the story that make you look like an absolute idiot in your transaction with Ray. But that's not my business. Another question... Were you ever asked to drop the charges?

    2. Based on information provided by Ray, all people who have gone to the law regarding the sale of parts have been made right or offered to have been made right. And if memory served me correctly from what I was told, every dime was given to Ray's attorney in 2013 and dispursed from that attorneys account. Now we all know attorneys. They don't do anything for free. So I am sure that if an attorney was going to write a check on behalf of a client, the money would be there well in advance. So if all of that money was paid in advance to the attorney and was paid to the guys who have a warrant, how can he be scamming anyone to pay the guys who have already been paid.

    3. skeen you may want to call the guy in texas to see how that situation was handled. He decided he did not want to buy from Ray so he asked for his money back on Weds and if he doesn't have it already, he will have it today. That too was straight from Ray. So a guy wants wheels on Tuesday and decides Wednesday he doesnt want them and has his money back Friday. Hardly a scam. But you may want to call him to see that it worked out that way.

    4. If you were mf'ed up and down the internet would you sell stuff under your real name? Not likely. I have offered to sell the parts for him. In fact, I am buying the wheels the guy in Texas did not want.

    One day the facts to all of this will be made public. But remember the old cliche. There are 3 sides to every story.

    Jack Billington
    Canton, OH
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  10. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Hey I'm happy for you. Hope all is well. Maybe you should be a character witness for him. I'm telling you what attornies are telling me. That is the reason I don't even answer the phone from Akron Ohio period! Google his name. Your telling me all of us are lying? Get off your horse! I'm done with him. Funny how nothing happened until warrants were involved. Stand up guy?? Not hardly'!
  11. Senior moments

    May 4, 2010
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    Sorry Jack....but he's BS'd you too

    There were 3 complainants on the first go-round. RV's defense lawyer called me and said his parents were paying us on his behalf...I got paid and was prepared to move on. The prosecutor called me yesterday and asked if was paid and if I still wanted to pursue this deal. He said A) RV's parents don't have a dime to pay off anything B) as soon as he was sprung from jail he started the scams all over again, using aliases etc that have been confirmed., and I guess using some of the money to pay me...Apparently Corey hasn't been paid yet and Kentucky is after his ass. Anyway, despite that I've been paid, I am still going to testify against him....count on it Ray. I want this bottomfeeder in the can for a long long time. Jack, do you seriously think you're gonna get a lick of truth outta this skank?...He's a pathological liar, a thief, and a con man. Period...end of story. Put some distance between yourself and him. Oh and by the way Jack... got the same BS story from RV when I bought ( yeah right) the MSD box from him. The day after he got the cash from Western Union, I discovered what he was all about....called him and said I want the money back...Yeah sure no problem he says...Never showed - I have EM records of every time I contacted him after that,,,,,for weeks and months..Every time another horses***t excuse. Never got the money ( not a bunch - $400 ) until I went to the law. I really didn't care so much about the $400, it was about getting "unscrewed".
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  12. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Thank you!!!! Jack the only reason you didn't get screwed because you live within ass kicking distance. Period! Look at all the complaints. Out if state!!! Enough said.


    Apr 18, 2014
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    Jay70 I completely disagree. This guy has sold parts, both his own and for other people including myself for more than 10 years. All over the world. Like I said I am more than a casual acquaintance. So a few people have a gripe out of a few hundred. I am aware of the other situations and like yours, there are a ton of facts that aren't being communicated because no one in the Vierheller family goes on a public forum to discuss private business matters. Anyhow I am not defending him. You got your money back and moved on. I am happy for you and best of luck in your racing ventures. You are the guy who wanted the brakes correct? I actually dropped those brakes off at Fed ex for Ray when he sold them. Sent them C.O.D. on my fed ex account. And Jay70 you said within ass kicking diatance...aren't you from around Detroit? What's that like 3 hours away?

    Senior Moments, so you are telling me you got your money and that wasn't enough. You are going to drive all the way here from where, Canada, just to get your point across. Thats gotta be like 300 miles each way. You gotta do what you gotta do. That's a costly trip over a few hundred bucks and a pound of flesh. But if memory serves me right, within hours of agreeing to your refund didn't you contact Ray and let him know that you went on just about every web site known to man and labeled him as a scammer? I am not sure i would be quick to deal with you either if you took a provate matter to the internet before even giving the guy a chance to make it right. But if what Ray told me is true, you were paid right after thanksgiving, as was Jay 70. So a single issue comes up now 5 months later over a misunderstanding that was quickly resolved and now he's been scamming to pay back people who have already been paid months almost 6 ago? That makes no sense to me.

    I have spoke to Ray an average of once a week since Christmas. And spoke to him and his family oftern for the last 15 years. This is not a guy who scams or steals. He doesn't have to. I know him, I know his family. I am not just a casual acquaintance and I know a lot of people in the summit county legal chain of command, so when he tells me something, I get it checked out. And typically it is spot on.

    But then again if I had an issue with someone, I would take it up with them directly instead of running to the internet after a few days, which is exactly what all of you did. But that's just me. And I have never been ripped off in 30 years of buying parts all over the country. Have there been problems, yes. But if you have balls you can solve the problem yourself.

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  14. OldPipe

    OldPipe New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    . I don't know what is true and not true but I did get my money back...but I did want the wheels with out all the drama...end of story.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    So Ray, Ron McMillian, Jack Billington walk into a bar...

    I will make no accusations, but I will share some facts and let the public make their own conclusions regarding "Jack Billington"

    The screen name Jack Billington just happens to have the same registration IP address as Ron Mcm, which is an alias Ray has recently operated under.

    It's also the same ip address as a username "Frank Billington" that has an email vreprinting@yahoo.com

    Could it be that Jack, Frank, Ron and Ray are really the same person? Or do they just share the same computer/ip address? ITA reports, you decide....

    Jack, be sure to tell Ray I said hi.
  16. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Haha I knew it !!!! He had way too much info on this case. And just out of nowhere his first 2 posts are what a great guy he is? I didn't wanna say anything but thanks Will! See the 4th party had the truth! Happy Easter


    Apr 18, 2014
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    Or maybe i set up the ron mcm user to post for sale items for ray. ever think of that? of course not. That couldn't be possible could it? I generate the leads ray makes the sale and delivers the product upon receipt of payment.

    And my original registration I tried to use my god given name Frank and didn't think it worked so i reregistered under what people have called me since I was a kid, Jack. And coincidentally, I set them up on the same computer, the same computer used to set up ron mcm my computer!

    and case knowledge...what, I knew you got paid? Everything else i referred to was what you idiots have posted, with some mild modification to reflect the truth. Never once did I say what a great guy he is. I did say I have known him for a while, as well as his family and I have done business with him.

    the only reason i kniw you got paid was he told me and i called bullshit on him, so he showed me tye checks. i had my doubts. but when he showed me that i started to think he was being.straight with me.

    Jay70 I did however ask you very direct questions you still have not answered, because you know the answers to those questions directly contradict "what lawyers have told you." From day 1
    I have read your posts then went to ask Ray to see what was true and what was bullshit. Then I check it out myself because you are right if he is trouble I want to stay away.

    Think what you want. I could care less. Outside of selling, Ray has no desire to waste time on this forum.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
  18. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Let's just pretend you don't drift from third to first person (and back) rather obviously....

    Jack, what and where do you race? If you have bought parts for 'years' from him (specifically the last 10) surely you have raced somewhere. Someone could say "yeah I know Jack, he races at National Trail, Kil Kare, Buck Eye Mud Bogs, etc.

    So let me get this straight, you decide to set up an alias Ron Mcm aka Ron Mcmillian so you can 'help' Ray sell/broker parts. So you knowingly got involved with a guy that has such a bad name in the racing world that he has nowhere to sell parts because everyone knows he's a crook. So to help him out you sold parts for him under an alias. Why wouldn't you just sell under Frank/Jack Billington? Now you just want to jump in the middle of trying to clean his mess up. Maybe I just have a different style, but if I was trying to vouch for someone or help someone get back on the right path, I don't think I would feel the need to do it under an alias?


    Apr 18, 2014
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    Will I am not sure what you mean drifting from 1st to 3rd person. I need an example because I am no language expert.

    I don't really have the time and I don't know about many of the items Ray has to sell. I jump in the middle when asked and if I can. I don't always know what he has to sell or when he is going to sell it. So it is easier for him to just take care of it as I don't have time to keep up with him. We speak about once a week. If he needs my help he asks and if I can I help I do. He has not given me a reason to do otherwise.

    I decided to jump in on this topic because the same people have griped about this situation and have conveniently left out facts or have come up with conspiracy theories. So when they started with he is scamming to pay them back but the fact of the matter is they were paid 6 months ago, well someone needed to speak up. Ray never will. You notice I have not made him out to be any kind of saint. I have not one time said oh what a great guy he is or anything else. I told everyone that I knew him and never had a bad experience with him. I ask him straight up about what I see on here and other places and he tells me. When he gives me answers I don't believe, I call bullshit. And just about every time I have called bullshit he goes to the file cabinet and pulls out proof of what he told me. I can't argue that. Like i said before, I can only go off my personal experience.

    I am one of 3 partners on a car that races locally. I do not drive. We race a couple times a year. So you don't know me. Does that mean something? On an average week between the 8 tracks within 100 miles of my home there are probably 1000 different racers. Do you know them? I am pretty sure at least 900 of them never heard of you. Did you contact all of the on Easter Sunday when you posted yesterday to find out if they know me. If you review the topic, it's not about me.

    I never heard of you until I came to this forum. We race in different arenas. I can't name 20 drivers in NHRA outside of the pro racers that are on TV. Just like you can't name 20 drivers that race for points on a weekly basis at any one of the tracks here locally.

    I can't speak for Ray. We talk about how to get things done based on his current situation. Is it how you would have handled it? Maybe not. But you are not involved, they are not your parts and since you don't even have a car to race, you won't be buying anything from anyone. So it's not really your concern.

    Will have you ever bought anything from Ray? Have you ever been "ripped off" by Ray?

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Ok, what car are you partners on, who drives, what class and where? Should be a simple enough question to answer to prove Jack Billington is a real person and not some alias Ray, Ron, Frank or ??? is using. Vague answers perpetuate doubt.

    Since you have just recently heard of me, how do you know that I don't have a car? I buy stuff for customers all the time. This is my website, so yes it does concern me. I kicked Ray off all my sites a long time ago.

    At any rate I will give credit where credit is due. At least some people are getting their money back.

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