PSI Blowers vs A/FUEL

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by ROF, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. T.Howell

    T.Howell Member

    May 21, 2003
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    >>"I don't think the questionnaire that is being discussed will reflect those particular numbers since that particular questionnaire ("what's most important issue") was sent out (at NHRA's request) to all alcohol class racers that TARA could get contact info for."<<

    What is wrong with this picture???
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I ordered a new PSI from Norm in April of this year. When I ordered it I told him I wasn't in a hurry because we weren't running until possibly the end of the year, so no hurry. I was just harrasing him online.

    Plus, I told Norm I wanted him to cherry pick a special blower out of the huge pile he makes this year. He told me he would find "THE" blower out of all the blowers. It would be the one he would chose for himself after extensive testing of all the blowers as if he was putting it on his very own personal race car. It finally arrived in my driveway last week. Special rotors and all.

    [ September 21, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Randy G. ]
  3. Rapid Transit

    Rapid Transit New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Randy, Is that the large or the super size stick you just used? LOL
  4. TAD racer

    TAD racer New Member

    Sep 19, 2003
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    Hey Mr. Wendland, who said anything about crow? Here you go again, running your mouth and making assumptions before having the facts. I'm sure glad you ain't representing my interests in this sport. And, believe me, I have never tasted crow or any other bird for that matter, and I am too far away to tell you personally what it might taste like. Can I ask you the question of exactly what is your financial investment in this sport at the present time? Do you currently own a car or have an investment in a race team, and if not, what gives you the right to speak for others who do? I currently have sold my car and in the process of planning another, but the bitterness displayed in the TAD ranks makes me want to think otherwise, and yes, A/Fuel WAS an option, but not anymore.
  5. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    /////Sounds like Mr. Wendland has a few feathers protruding from his mouth.......//////

    What the hell do you mean then????? I had weird sex with a chicken?

    Last I checked, the old proverb was about eating crow which would have a couple of feathers sticking out of ones mouth....Maybe you have some other idea going.....I guess if you would of just plainly stated your opinion, I might not be typing this....

    Hey, things move foward by dreams and hard work, criticism can only harm and make us always going down the return road.....

    Rob Wendland
  6. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Rob W, the actual number of racers in TAD this year in competition are: 58.97% BAD's (at total of 69) compared to 41.03% A/Fuel (48 cars) for a total of 118 car that havecompeted at Div and Nat'l events.

    The Zone

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