Nitro Rules

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by nitrohawk, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    As important as the issue of the new rules cncerning nitro & NHRA is I cannot find one word concerning this on their web site. Guess we will get to the races and find out!!!!
    Whats up with the silence????
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Here's what I've heard from a reliable nitro racer:

    Racers will be able to transport 398 lbs of nitro (40 gal).

    Nitro will be available at divisionals, but you will have to pre order it from VP.

    You have to turn one drum in to buy another.
  3. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I hope thats the deal because if it was like first reported it would be a deal breaker for me.
    We just ordered new seven point belts installed them in the car and happened to look at the latest rule revisions. Now the belts have to have the silver fire protection material over them.

    Oh, by the way if you have a TAD and have made the cutouts for the jaws of life like the new rule book shows you will prob. have to make covers for them as I heard NHRA said that was just a screw up on their part! Still nothing in the rule revisions concerning this however.

    JENELL Banned

    Jan 18, 2008
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    Will I dont know where you get your info but its way off the wall
  5. Bob Kraemer

    Bob Kraemer New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Racers will be able to transport more than 40 gallons but you will have to fill out a special form from DHS to be able to do so from what I have been told.
    This is just more bullsh!t from VP to drive up the prices and NHRA to make you the RACERS think you are dependant on them, when in fact that THEY are dependant on YOU
  6. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Bob; I hope the black Nomex cover is still legal ?
    Also look at rule revisions about the cage shield slots. What I don't understand is it says T/F can't have any slots ?

  7. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Since you are so informed on the topic, why don't you enlighten the rest of us? All I'm trying to do is put information out there for A/Fuel and other nitro racers that read the site. I've put in numerous calls to various sources, and got very little feedback, other than talking to several nitro racers that were actually at the meeting in Pomona. My information that I have distributed on the site comes from a very respected nitro racer that other people besides myself trust.

    I find it disturbing, like Bob mentioned, there is so little mentioned on this, when it is a HUGE issue to not only A/Fuel, but drag racing in general. The real kicker is this isn't like some tech question where if you get it wrong, worst case you don't pass tech. There are some serious legal ramifications floating around. At $27,000 per day fine for non compliance, I'm pretty sure that can put most racers out there out of business pretty quick.

    In reference to getting a permit to transport more than the alotted 398 lbs, my source tells me that's probably not what the average racer wants to do. Once again, there is very little 'official' information out there, but at the meeting the paperwork for the permit was about 6" thick. I'm no legal specialist, but I wouldn't want to tackle something like that on my own without a lawyer. For those of you who haven't been around a federally regulated industry/substance, once you have this special handling permit, I'm sure every little move you make with the nitro will have to be documented. The racers out there that have CDL rigs know that you have to keep detailed maintenance logs of your tow rig, even if it sits for months at a time. I know people that have oil rigs, and they tell me there's quite a bit of documentation per well. While I'm speculating, I just have to believe with Homeland Security involved, it's not going to be as easy as filling out some paperwork and paying a fee. I genuinely hope I'm wrong. I think it's definitely a hope for the best, but prepare for the worst situation.

    Sadly, I doubt there will ever be any 'racing exemption' for nitromethane. The two main uses for nitro is racing and mining. The problem is Timothy McVeigh got his nitro from a racing supplier. I was told by people at the meeting there have been several other instances where terrorist had nitro in their possession. One racer that was at the meeting told me that it's going to be a short leash. It doesn't matter who it is, NHRA, IHRA, Nostalgia, Boats, etc., if someone gets their hands on some nitro and either uses it or intends to use it for terrorist purposes, nitro racing is over. That's how serious this is, and it pisses me off there's no more information out there. I hope NHRA is going above and beyond it's normal legal 'team' to fight this situation head on.

    Hopefully at the end of the day, when the dust settles, this will be more of a pain in the ass than a real 'problem.' Kind of like finding out you have to register your 'RV' toterhome as commercial all of a sudden. It sucks, it's a pain in the ass, it's going to cost more, but it doesn't put you out of business or keep you from racing. I really hope that's where this deal goes. On the other hand, with no more information than there is out there, it would be foolish just to assume everything is peachy.

    So once again, Jenell or anyone else out there who feels like throwing rocks, by all means come on here and show me where I'm wrong. I want the racers to have all the information they can, regardless if I'm wrong. Basically, make sure you have enough information to back up what you say, and be willing to put a name/team affiliation with it.
  8. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    It looks like Will has his story straight as I've heard the same info.
  9. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Nice work Will

    Good effort Will. Very politically correct answer to your critics. You handled that better than I could have. To those out there who haven't met Will- he is a decent, squared away person. I truly believe he has drag racing's best interests in mind when he speaks. I also believe that whatever is best for drag racing is best for us the drag racers. Without Will and his site where would we find out anything about the changes to the rules and regs? Unfortunately the only actual information source that most of us encounter is the tech guys. I for one want to be ready before I get there. I can't afford to tow up a thousand dollars worth of diesel fuel just to find out my stuff won't pass tech. Thanks again Will for all your efforts even if I do have underwear older than you. Dave Germain
  10. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Dave, I was right with you until that last sentence. Now I need to schedule another therapy session to deal with that image!
    And a thank you to Will for your hard work and dedication to the sport. It is appreciated.
  11. Vernon Wilde

    Vernon Wilde Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Will, not to give you the big head, but you really do a great job in trying to keep people informed and stimulate good interaction among a bunch of good hearted folks, who in most cases do really care about this sport. Thank you for all you efforts. Please, I know you will, keep us informed as much as you can concerning this. It sounds as if we are in for a big adjustment as to the way we have been used to doing things, thanks.
  12. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Will, good post o this subject. I feel like a condemed man wating for the axe to fall!!
    Bob M., The new new rule revision does not say silver just that the belts must be covered with a fire resistant material. The problem with all the new rule revisions is to little information to late in the season.
    Never mind the situation with SFI and NHRA on the Top Fuel specs. Sometines I feel like someone has a voodo doll sticking pins in it with me on the receving end!!!!!
  13. dedgecombe

    dedgecombe New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    hey will you know there are a lot of people maybe every one who puts a race car in a trailer that breaks a law it's the tip of the iceberg with all the laws on the books especially in california i dont know about other states but you need msds paper work on any chemical you have in your trailer that includes gasoline alcohol wd 40 let alone nitro you should have a placard on your rig . nitro is bad stuff in the wrong hands & i don't know any drag racer who wants to spend 20 dollars per gallon and leave it un-attended or not keep track of it or sell it to a shady character its like major leauge baseball this stuff has been going on for a long time now its time to do something about it & the chinese will sell containers of it to who ever has the money!
  14. fuelslut

    fuelslut New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    we all love will, to know him is to love him, he is a true dragracer and lives the life. his goal is to see the sport grow, and i applaud him for that.
    his intentions are not malicious, and his knowledge of our sport is impeccable.
    when he rises to the top we will all be thankful that "we" were able to have a open line of communication with him.
    (will, don't delete this out of your own humility, cause you are the greatest, just let it stay, up until the point that nancy trumps me)
    in all honesty though, this came from the heart, and i ment every word of it.
  15. Bob Kraemer

    Bob Kraemer New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Here are the websites & info I have been given.
    You have to register to access SCAT
    DHS will send a user name and password, and then you can access the online top screen survey and fill it out. You can do this online so you don’t have to print it out and mail the forms.




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