ND this week? Bradshaw's comments

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Dan Lynch, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    TJ, NHRA never cut the overdrive for the Dragsters, only the FC's. Despite what Joker and any other A-fuel fans or racers think, I have No desire to see A-fuel cars rendered uncompetitive. I think the opposite's happened and I think an all A/fuel class would be as Boring as hell. I would even like to see A/fuel FC's, but given the controversy in TAD I wouldn't look for it anytime soon.
  2. alkysniffer

    alkysniffer New Member

    May 17, 2003
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    Well aint this an interesting set of posts here. Ok ppl you are talking about Santos here and his string of .20s. I have seen one with the current rules in place and that was at Pomona last year in the World Finals and that was a 5.29. I know cause I was standing on the starting line when he did it. The only other one under the current rules was Duane Sheilds 5.26 run. Now Alan I do go to a lot of the races and do work on a BAD car so I do see what is going on. You did do the right thing by taking the ride with Meyer and anyone that disputes that dont know what they are talking about. But I do have to argue a little bit with you here. I know when the a fuel cars were getting a start they were not competitive and I dont argue that one. But and this is a big but the potential was there for them to run with the Blown cars just that a person had to figure them out. I have to be right on that cause look at the way they run now and that was not done by changing rules it was done by hard work blood sweat and tears. Now as far as being not competitive on hot tracks I dont really buy into that one either I was at Scribner and seen you not qualify but that was not cause the car couldnt run cause if you hadnt done that big wheelie you know yourself that was gonna be a #1 pass. Where the problem comes in with the parity issue is the fact that there is not the parts out there to make a blower car go a 5.20 on any given track at any given time let alone a 5.13 pass like your car has done. Now it is true that a person can change over to them but man that costs money and makes the other cars worth nothing plus some of the guys you race against are just a little old for going through the change unless they could get in a ride like you did. If they want to run their own team then it could be a little late for them. Also as far as Dixon, Anderson, and Forces teams go the other ppl have the same parts and the same types of cars and it is up to them to make them go fast. Dick Lahaie is one smart cookie. Same with the others. You got out of the blower car to win a championship and got in the baddest car there is to win one and you wouldnt have done that if you thought you could do it in the blower car. As far as the guy saying the blower cars have won the same amount of rounds as the fuel cars there are three fuel cars in the top three with another lurking close. In order to get there you have got to win rounds and races so dont say they have won their share when Alan is like about 105 points ahead that is a big margin to make up when you have a team as good as they are out that far. That is even gonna be hard for Lucas and Bartone to make up let alone as far back as some of the blower cars are. To be honest about it I just wish they would put the rules in place that would let the blowers go faster than slow down the a fuelers. Alan I really appreciate the way you treat my kid at the tracks that he gets to go to and I would like to thank you for that. He does root for you to win but when we race against you I hope you do know he has to root for us. [​IMG] If you havent figured out who I am I will chat with you in Indy. All I want to see is good fair competition and that is what the fans want to and if it means a rule change to keep the class at its peak then so be it. We do need to do what is best for the class not an individual and the best for the sport. That is why they have salary caps and free agency in sports not saying we need that here but do need to keep the cars in the same league. Oh and by the way ppl that are saying the crap about the trained monkey stuff prolly are stock car racers that dont even know what a reaction time is or cant drive a car that aint set up to turn left when they let go of the steering wheel. They all think drag racing is easy. I hope you dont take anything I said here in the wrong way Alan cause I definitly didnt mean it that way I just want to be able to keep helping my guy cause he would prolly quit before he goes to afuel and I dont want to see that happen. I also dont blame anyone for changing to the afuel combo either I can see why they do. Just my 2 cents worth and that is prolly about all it is worth too.
  3. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Are chiropractors still considered doctors?

    Way behind the blower cars in performance? What year are we talking about, chiropractor? I'll give you half a break since you're a newbie.
  4. Scott Nelson

    Scott Nelson New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
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    In one of your earlier posts you made reference to Mark Hentges using a "MBTE fuel additive".

    Could you please tell me what MBTE is?

    I certainly hope this is some sort of a joke. If you are making an accusation that Mark is doing something that he should not be doing, or is in any way doing anything that is illegal, you are way off base.

    As far as Santos, could you also please humor me and tell me about the .20's that he ran, the .27, .29 and .29, and how they equate to the .13, .17 and .19's from Randy's car?

    alysniffer had a very good post, and I agree with his points. I don't have a problem with you or anyone else running AFD. I have a problem with NHRA letting things get out of hand with regard to parity between the two types of cars.

    If I understand some of your messages, I think I hear you saying that you also agree that the AFD has a significant performance advantage. Is that correct?

    As for the BAD's having any sort of performance advantage over the last several years, can you please tell me what year that a BAD made a run quicker than an AFD? For quite some time, the AFD's have had the performance advantage, but everyone looked the other way because of the "consistency" issue. That issue is long gone.

    You also made reference to the BAD's (Santos, etc.) kicking the crap out of the AFD's for the last 8 to 10 years. Can you please show me ANY AFD teams that made anywhere near the effort to run their cars like Santos, Grimes and O'Bannon, Blain and Alan Johnson, Gary Turner and Bobby Taylor, etc. The Chess Bushey's, Tom Topping and Brooks Browns of those days had cars that many times had performance advantages over the BAD's of their time, but they never chased a World Championship. If they did, Gallant may not have been the first AFD to win it.

    The bottom line is, whether or not you are a BAD fan, a AFD fan, or a fan of both, do you think it is good for the TAD class to have the AFD's with such an advantage over the BAD's? Several BAD teams are cutting back their schedules, some are trying to sell their cars. How can this be good for the class?

    Lastly, regarding the 3rd Round in Seattle, you can continue to make the snide comments if you like. Mark did not "burn you down". Once you staged he was right behind you, unlike what you you have done to him and others in the past. If you would have done your normal deal, nothing would have been different, and there would have been no "staging duel". Belive it or not, you were in complete control of the whole thing. As for it biting us, that is not what caused our problem.


  5. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Is MTBE legal? How do you get it past Fuel check?
  6. Tom Hollywood Harmsen

    May 19, 2003
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    Wow, you all amaze me! Here we sit grown men, bickering over a difference that is outside our "cirlce of influence". There is and never will be parity in the TAD? Class, or is it TAF, I lost track. I thought we were here to have fun, not cry... Personaly if I have an opinion it would be to get rid of A/F, point being, we already have TF were some can't even run the number Alan and Randy can. I love them both (Alan and Randy) I wish them the best this year and hope they both win the title. However, I think if the class is called Top Alcohol Dragster then where does "Fuel" come into play. Some of us, with sponsorship still sit and twittle our thumbs waiting for a ride, while those that can only bitch and moan like women in a rest home get to have fun (or at least I hope your remembering that is our first objective!) So I leave you with this, next time you want to cry about parity, who is running what, who is quiting, etc.. Think about your "Circle of Influence" and THE FANS, they are why we all race, because if there were no fans, we would have no money to race......Thanks
  7. backattack

    backattack New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    Please do not misunderstand what Ive said in this forum regarding the "less fortunate" racers. I meant nothing along those lines. Its not my style to play people down and if it came across that way, then I'm sorry. No harm meant.
  8. backattack

    backattack New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    For the record,
    1.)I have never disagreed with the fact that the A/F car has a performance advantage.

    2.)I have never disagreed with the fact that something should be done to equal it out.

    3.)Why dont we take all this "positive" energy and direct it at someone who matters like NHRA. Oh yeah, we've tried that and got the blow off so lets keep bashing the A/F guys online. That ought to help.

    All I'm saying is something will be done. Its just a matter of when and how. I've offered solutions to this matter that don't cost a dime to either side but it made too much common sense to those "in the know". Simply, it was a handicap start, but first one to the end wins, based on qualifying in re: to A/F E.T. average of top 3 A/f cars -vs- the B/AD E.T. average of the top 3 B/AD cars and then use the round winning E.T. averages for subsequent rounds til the race was over. Then you start over the process at the next race. By the way, this would allow A/F to be competitive at Denver type races while helping the B/AD cars at sea level against the A/F cars. Thus, expanding the opportunities for all car types to race anywhere.

    I realize there would be grounds for sandbagging and they say the fans could tell a handicap start took place but I am not sure the fan would see a .10 - .20 delay from the stands. Hell, most drivers wouldn't notice it on the starting line if it was close enough. Beings there would only be 8 or 16 cars to keep up with, it shouldn't be too difficult for NHRA to implement it. Now, maybe I'm wrong, but this could work, given time. It also would bring back a sense of sportsman racing to this category which is what we're told we really are-SPORTSMAN RACERS not pros. Remember, my idea costs absolutely ZIP, ZERO, NOTHING to the racer. Thats got to be worth some consideration! Sincerely, Alan Bradshaw

    PS Randy knows my viewpoint on all this and its no secret.
  9. backattack

    backattack New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    You might want to read Mark's quote in this forum again. HE point blank admitted to "giving me a dose of my own medicine" Whatever thats all about. That doesnt sound like he was happily awaiting my stage to follow to me in. Its funny, you guys think I did something wrong in Topeka 2002 against you guys, but I drug out the video and watched it and amazingly we both pre staged revved up and BOTH went in and we had a good old drag race. Just because I left on mark and won doesn't mean any foul play occurred on my part. If your video shows otherwise, please enlighten me. By the way the 7 second rule should have come into play if needed, but it didn't so obviously there was no harm or foul on either party. Regardless, Im ready to get back to drag racing. Normal racing, that is. Ive offered Mark a phone call to resolve this and its still available. I'm tired of hearing and reading this crap so lets deal with it, fix it, and get over it. Awaiting his call, Alan
  10. backattack

    backattack New Member

    Aug 19, 2003
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    As difficult as it may be to acknowledge this, has anyone ever thought about the extreme pressure NHRA has put up with regarding everybody and their dog whailing about the parity of our class? Maybe NHRA is so damned tired of hearing about it, that they've turned a deaf ear to those who call. I'm not saying this is the case or is right, so dont go off on me. But, I've dealt with many issues as you all have in life. And sometimes you just get tired of hearing it and never address it for fear of having to deal with this matter one more time. Be it work, your spouse, your kid, neighbor, whoever. Its all the same. Anyway, maybe if they have a chance to breathe and think without a ton of outside pressure, they'll do the right thing and make a decision to do something about this parity issue. They say silence can be a death sentence to the B/AD in this matter but noise has got them no where, so who knows! Sincerely, Alan Bradshaw
  11. Hentges

    Hentges New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Alan, I can't believe you are accusing me of cheating with some type of fuel additive. I am personally insulted and require an apology on this board.
  12. showard

    showard New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    Unless there have been recent drastic changes to the constitution, we all are insured the right to free speech in this country. We utilize that priviledge on this message board.

    Racers have the right to protect their investment and it's obvious that the previously taken wait and see method hasn't worked.

  13. showard

    showard New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    My previous post concerning free speech, is not in defense of anyone making unfounded accusations. I want to make that clear.

  14. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I'm not sure of the time line, but didn't Santos peel off the bulk of those .20's while'st he had the GIZMO on the car? I should call Norm and ask.

    Also, Santos car is out there and running right now. Same car. Except David Well's is driving it with a slightly different combo and it's still being tuned by Grimes. How does it run compared to A/Fuel.


    Cheap shot on the Doctor deal. And you are a CEO of a major corporation?? Sanitation engineer?? What??


    Did you get my email?
  15. Scott Nelson

    Scott Nelson New Member

    Aug 20, 2003
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    "I'm not sure of the time line, but didn't Santos peel off the bulk of those .20's while'st he had the GIZMO on the car?"


    Actually they were done in late 2001 and early 2002, if I am not mistaken.

    As for the "bulk of those .20's", DOES EVERYONE UNDERSTAND THAT SANTOS MADE 3 RUNS IN THE 5.20's, AND THEY WERE 5.278, 5.293 AND 5.298???????

    The 5.278 was made in Reading with a killer track and killer air. There were several National Records set at that race. Bill Reichart, who, no offense to Bill, was not one of the stellar AFD racers back then, ran 5.31.

    Back in Pomona 2001 Baca ran 5.22 with his AFD while the best Santos could crank out was a 5.38.

    Can we all just agree that the Santos argument does not hold water, alcohol or nitro?

    Randy, I am not shooting the messenger. I know you were just asking the question about the Gizmo.
  16. showard

    showard New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    Randy G.

    Check your E-mail.

  17. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    You are correct, Alan just pissed me off with his false statements. Sorry for the chiropractor comment, Alan. But, when is Alan going to apologize to Mark?
  18. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Take a bow. You are a true gentleman.


    My point was that I understood the .20's were because of the GIZMO which is not a legal blower today. I seem to remember Santos testing at Tuscon before the Winternational's that year and they ran some early numbers that were about equal to one of John Forces 4.80 runs. I remember that one or two of our TA/FC pals suddenly ran big speed at Pomona and Phoenix in 2000 and come to find out the GIZMO was on their car. We ran 255 without one back in 2000. They were removed by the rules and suddenly these cars were back to normal.

    Even if the GIZMO was allowed, I doubt it would be enough. I think the Grimes/Santos/O'Bannon team had special chemistry which may be hard for any other team besides Dick La Haie to duplicate. The focus over there was incredible. Not intending to 'dis anyone, but I don't think there's a team out there today that meets or exceeds what they had going for them in terms of car prep, devotion and brains. The team member with the least knowledge with them knew more than the sharpest guy on a lot of other teams.

    Today, the best TAD cannot compete with the best AFD. And I will say this...for a new team to show up with a new tune-up from a competitor and wipe the asphalt up with the shirts off the backs of seasoned veteran blown alky racers seems a little out of whack. That shows how lop-sided it really is.

    Many TAD racers won't remove the supercharger and continue. They will find something else to do. Is that really what you want. No.

    Just my opinion.

    [ August 21, 2003, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Randy G. ]
  19. MIke Eubank

    MIke Eubank Super Comp

    May 7, 2003
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    Hey Alan, It seems to me that when someone has found something and really starts hauling ass everybody wants to take a shot at them. Some take shots on the track, others on the web. I remember a few years back Randy was trying to find the combo. Now he has and this is part of the deal. I say to you {Alan and Randy) keep on keep'n on. Yall work very hard and it shows. Good job, take the coments that come your way on the web for what their worth, and thats NOT low E.T.

    Mikey :cool:
  20. showard

    showard New Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    Seems that Alan isn't the only one taking the shots around here. Just my observance of the situation.


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