Got new part in my body

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by reeper, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. reeper

    reeper Fuel Altered

    Jul 5, 2004
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    Have a heart defibrillator put in last month. Wondering if anyone has one & how are u handling mag 44, turning & seting mag, pulling kill wire etc? Anyone have any experience that they can share?
  2. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    This is Jim in Shelbyville, TN and I bought a r980 Whipple (with purple hat cover and restraints) from you a few years back. I am on my second Pacemaker/Defibulator now and have had them about 2 years now. We run an Blown Alcohol Altered with a 44 amp mag and my ProMod with a 44 amp mag too! I can give you some hints of what NOT to do, and ask how I know?
    AND my e-mail is and my phone number is 931-580-8804 and you can text or call anytime.
    And hope you are doing OK! We made our first trip to Eddyville, Iowa this past year and was hoping to see you there.
    ANYway, so we will not bore all of the racers and tuners, call me anytime and I am really Blessed with nearly 40 years in the military and working in the shop everyday now too, and it keeps me going to too! THANKS! Jim Kyle

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