Fuel flow meter

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hydrotherapy, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. hydrotherapy

    hydrotherapy Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    My altered sat in my garage for 11 months, and then my lap top crashed with no backup,so I lost all my data for my davenport fuel systems,msd grid and all my data from my rpmperf computer.
    So I'm almost starting form zero,I had the tune up in the car so I put that back in the Davenport ,I had a flow sheet on the pump .
    I ran the car last weekend and the car ran well 6.33 219 mph and .406 and 171 mph at the 1/8 with 32 # of boost at 20% over, this is a bae fat head with a k11 superman with 21 degree of timing ,
    The fuel flow is normaly at 10.2 to 10.4 this time it's at 7.9 to 8.1 witch is lean ,the plugs had 3/4 burn nothing down on the threads egt are 1025 to 1050 normal ,so whats going on with my fuel flow?
  2. greenracing

    greenracing Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Did you put the correct K factor into the rpm program when you set it back up on the new laptop?
  3. hydrotherapy

    hydrotherapy Member

    Oct 12, 2004
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    Yes I did check ,and called Randy ,he said that all settings stay in the data logger not in the lap top ,but I checker anyway and they were right. . So I went and looked at the flow meter on the car and the arrow for flow is backwards I think this could be the problem ,so until I run the car again I wont know.
  4. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Yes if it was backward that is the issue. But also CHECK and double check all poppets. All High speeds, I had 4 high speeds stuck and I had them sprayed with wd40 but they still got messed up after sitting.

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