Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Wendland, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. K.Brown

    K.Brown New Member

    Sep 7, 2003
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    I agree....but if they would have offered to speed up yous guys/gals then maybe it would not have been us vs. them! Debi, you go back and look at all of the shit these past 2 years...It is mostly BAD folks upset with the AFD...not the other way around!

    Oh and by the way....its nice to be liked! thanks :rolleyes:

    Let's just hope that when the smoke clears there are still 2 combo's in TAD!

    Peace, Kevin :cool:
  2. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Kevin for your information T.A.R.A. did send to all the tad racers a questioner. The questions asked was what was posible to help the class as it now stands.The results even though you dont like them were what was submitted to NHRA. great pass M.G. Grads to S.H. Kevin my phone# is 412 221 2482 if you want to talk to me .
  3. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Wonder why?
  4. Wendland

    Wendland Guest


    As stated before, members will be sent a newsletter. We will not send out a questionaire. We will voice are opinions at races with racers. Debbie, I'm not here to be negative nor ask for your membership. A/FRO is not a hair style that looks good on everyone. You should keep your blonde hair though....

    As far as members list, it starting to look pretty stout:

    We would like to welcome our newest members! Duane Shields!!!!! Steve Boggs!!!!! Tony Bartone!!!!! Chuck Sabis!!!! Eric Louire!!!! David Smith!!!! Bob Wenzelburger!!!!!

    A/FRO shirts are now available at all national events at David Bacas' apparel trailer on the midway....Still only $15.00 !!

    A/Fro's fact sheet will be posted very soon..Thanks for all the support!!!!
  5. mitch myers

    mitch myers Guest

    Count me in brother...sign me up for A/FRO, I'll be in Chicago at the meeting with bells on. i will be happy to represent Div 6 too.

    mitch myers
  6. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    I'm confused, is A-FRO an org. to lobby on behalf of A-fuel racers or TAD as a whole? Maybe the TAFC guys need an Assoc. to lobby to get the 125% Overdrive back?
  7. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    It fell on deaf ears when ALL the racers screamed. Just like the three judges who suspended the recall in California despite several million voters asking for it...No one in TA/FC wanted it, but the one or two supposed rep's told NHRA a different story. The minority rules.
  8. TheBlondeCrewChief

    TheBlondeCrewChief Almost A/F

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Hi, Rob. I really do wish you luck in your endeavor... It's just kinda hard for me to justify (in my own mind) re-inventing the wheel at this late date, when there's already a vehicle in place that would benefit immensely from your insight and knowledge (and truly needed it a year ago). And, I guess, I need to say that if it's the membership fee that is a major excuse for avoiding TARA... then, that's all it is... an excuse. That fee is pocket change to an alky team.

    I see Mike G's point of view... racing=go faster, and the engineer part of me says "uh-huh... let's see what we can lean on to make it happen".

    My prediction: We're going to see several years of infighting and fixes for this and restrictions for that.... while the shallow end of the pool has time to adjust to the writing on the wall and enrolls in swimming lessons, or gets out of the water. Numbers don't lie, and you can't beat statistics.

    (Speaking of numbers, Mike, they look good on you... Keep 'em up.)

    What would REALLY be a shake-up and make a substantial impact... A/FRO recruiting the 20-30 more A/F's that are uncommitted... then all joining TARA.

    OK... I'm holding out my hand... I'm pretty sure someone wants to slap it.
  9. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    Thanks for all your insight. EX-TARA President has joined A/FRO. Does that tell you anything where TARA is going. I feel if it takes TARA one year to print a t-shirt, how long and how much money will it take them to voice my opinion? Do you know whats on the front of the TARA t-shirt?
    A blown funny car and a blown dragster....Wheres the A/FUEL car? It wasn't on the back, inside, on the sleeve....I couldn't find it! Nor could I find the voice of A/Fuel cars....Debi, I honestly feel that this is the direction the class is going...If you need a 280 mph tune up,and Mike doesn't mind, give me a call. You will have to do something with your extra time between rounds though. They are in fact eaiser on parts...

    It only took my operation 2.5 days to get t-shirts 1250 miles away including art work and production. One more day to get them on the midway. 3 days to organize a meeting, two days to write a letter stating the (OPINIONS) of those who attended, to NHRA. I am not trying to break down the class, I'm trying to save it....Give us all a reason to get on the dragstrip. Let's not make a parking lot for current a/fuel cars.
  10. TheBlondeCrewChief

    TheBlondeCrewChief Almost A/F

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Well, Rob, one question I can definitely answer...

    The reason the A/F voice wasn't heard early on in TARA was due to the abysmal lack of response from A/F's.

    Most A/F's contended there was no problem & no need for an oganization. Another percentage of A/F's (as I said in an earlier post) were at such odds with people already members that they failed to realize you can't debate with someone you're not in contact with.

    Funny Cars were another non-responsive group. The why on that one, I'm less sure about.

    One underlying fact remains:
    The best way to change any system is from within. Not by trying to one-up it.

    Competition has a place; on the track. Off the track, we've got to take care of each other or lose competitors. It took John Force a long time to win... imagine what the Fuel Funnys would have lost, the improvements that would have been delayed in discovery, if his budget had lost out to technology expense increases...

    The fewer the competitors, the less the winner has accomplished.
  11. TheBlondeCrewChief

    TheBlondeCrewChief Almost A/F

    Aug 27, 2003
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    BTW, I did mean to say that, yes, it does tell me something that the ex-TARA president has joined A/FRO...

    It tells me that he's seeing that other A/Fs are at last ready to contribute and wants to be a part of that contribution, and, very possibly that he felt outnumbered and overwhelmed without that kind of A/F support in TARA. (Of course, I could very possibly be way off base with that impression.)

    It doesn't matter to me where help comes from, as long as it's help and not a pothole. Any organized voice of a significant number of intrested parties is much, much better than no voice at all.
  12. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    He is still a member of Tara though isn't he Rob. For $1.00 why wouldn't he join. I'll join as well. But I would join only if the adgenda is to keep the class for both BAD's and A/Fuelers. If you have no interest in keeping the class for both types, I bet that the ex-president would not want to be a part or your organization. (even if he goes A/Fuel racing) But then I can't speak for Duane. He has made a lot of friends in the class though.
    Dean Murdoch, SpeedZone Magazine
    Check out my web site http://www.speedzonemagazine.com

    [ September 16, 2003, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: The Zone ]
  13. K.Brown

    K.Brown New Member

    Sep 7, 2003
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    Rob, Send me what I need to join!

    Kevin Brown
    Solis! 711
  14. Fuel Cars

    Fuel Cars AA/AM

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Mr. Wendland, the TARA logo was created by me and was based on an initial design by a current A/F car owner. The logo was reviewed by the TARA officers, which includes current A/F racers, and, they all agreed on the design.

    Btw, the logo was designed for a limited space on a web site, adding a third vehicle would have made the logo too small to be viewable.
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    you don't think duane's joining has anything to do with him going a/fuel next year?? there's a shocker....

    Another thing about the $1 membership, it is just as easy to forget about it as it is to join. I believe it was Jerry Darien, David Baca and Rick Henkelman in Pomona 2001 when I was trying to organize the Pro Sportsman Association (now TARA) that wanted the membership to be at least $500. The theory was that the membership meant a lot more to you.

    Crush The Opposition! :mad: :D
    (jus kidden)
  16. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    Here we go again!!

    Fuel cars, I don't know anyone with the name "Fuel cars" or whatever. Your design is boring, simple, and as you said, not enough room for three cars.....was that the intension of TARA also?

    That's as low as I go today...My intensions are more directed to positive ideas...Will, It's affordable...It's another voice...By your posts you don't like it and thats OK...You don't work for an A/FUEL racer either. You know only one tune up, Conways. Hey, that's OK too... But please, give this a chance for me, sweetie pie....
    Wet ear Willy.......

    We had some great inputs today via e-mails and I just wanted to thank everyone for the support. Yes, it's true that Wendland Performance is funding right now all of A/FRO's actions. I've got a long way to go and short time to get there, I'm west bound, just watch this badit run....LMFAOWPWMD...!!!

  17. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Rob, what will A-FRO accomplish that TARA couldn't? The fact that the Fuel boys have the right to a Huge performance advantage? Despite what Joker or Mitch might think, I have no desire to see A-fuel cars to become uncompetitive. But that's the argument, shouldn't a blown car have the right to the Low qual. $$$? Maplegrove was the same thing we've seen time and time again. Top 4 or 5 cars A-Fuel! To think A-fuel racers are complaining about how much $$$ they'll lose if these rules kill their performance. Yet that's what's happened to who knows hgow many Blown Teams over the last year and a half!
  18. Fuel Cars

    Fuel Cars AA/AM

    Aug 20, 2003
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    I showed you common courtesy, but I guess I was wrong in thinking you would show the some courtesy back.

    If you would have read my post in its entirety, would you have realized that the original design was by a current A/F racer. There was never intention to single-out the A/F cars.

    You don't know anybody named "Fuel Cars", and I don't know anybody named "Rob Wendland", so I guess we are even.

    You think the logo is boring and simple, I think you are pompous and arrogant, again, I guess we are even. Maybe not.

    Reading all your current posts, you seem to attack anybody who you deem to be against the A/F cars. That is your prerogative. Your statement that your intentions are more directed to positive ideas is bogus. If you think your idea is the answer, raise the membership fee and then see how many join.

    I joined and did volunteer work for TARA because I thought the class needed UNITY to address the prevailing issues.

    You seem to have taken a singular and divisive approach.
  19. K.Brown

    K.Brown New Member

    Sep 7, 2003
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    Joe, BAD racers have lost $$$ over the last year and a half? Lost what $$$? Low Q cash? because they have damn sure won some races in that year and a half I'm sure....

    Top 4-5 TAD cars are AFD? 2-8 or 2-16 who give a shit? WHO Fricken wins is what I wanna know!!...I know you don't wanna hear this again but what is the WIN/LOSS record AFD vs BAD for the past year and a half? Shit...lets go the past 2 years!

    Shields lost the championship to Art last year...and not by a shit load either...That came down as it should "Baddest BAD vs. Baddest AFD" for the title! Santos vs. Henkelman...by 10 points Rick lost the title... There is ZERO parity here NONE NADDA ZIP....

    Bob Orme you out there? Nitro JOE anyone.....I wanna see hard numbers...not just the 5.13 or MG's most bitchin 280 mph...( My fav run of the year by the way MG)

    Lets look at the HARD NUMBERS....then we can ALL have a cocktail and settle down!

    Peace, Kevin
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i've seen you post that you dont argue there is an issue with the class with parity, and now you sound remotely like you are making a case that there is parity?

    which side of the fence are you on, and i'll tell you if you are on the wrong side or not :D

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