Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Wendland, Sep 7, 2003.

  1. Michael Gunderson

    Michael Gunderson New Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Pat, just to let you know I could care less about the blower deal but I will take exception to your statement about a good business person will sell to whomever. You must have a short memory not to remember my trying to purchase a mag drive from Norm in Bristol. I believe your statement was you could'nt sell me one because I was'nt a blown car, the way I see it if you are selling parts what should that matter?
  2. Dale_F

    Dale_F Super Comp

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Geez, brings back memories of "Blower Wars"
    Dustin, oh Dustin, where are you.
  3. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Mike -- Sorry, you are absolutely right. That did happen! It just goes to prove that there's no rule that can't have a good exception.
  4. 400lb Gorilla

    400lb Gorilla Super Comp

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Has anybody sold the movie rights to this story yet?
    I smell a made for TV movie in the making.
  5. Mike Johnson

    Mike Johnson New Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    Just to give you a little history about Rob's credibility and honesty, let's ask him about keeping his word and the MONEY (total of $1,000.00)he still owes my friends in Alaska for a Whipple Charger blower he sold for them about 3 years ago. They sent a Whipple charger with bag and snout to Rob in March of 1999 for Rob to sell for them. They puchased from Rob some ignition parts and injector scoop for a total of $3,950.00. ($365.21 of that was commission for selling blower) Rob sold the blower in July of 1999 for a reported total of $4950.00. That left a balance of $1,000.00 owed. So if you(Rob)record all of your business conversations, maybe you could find the many TAPED conversations between either you or your wife and them that states you agreed to pay them the $1,000.00 that you have yet to pay in over 3 years. There has been repeated atttempts to retreive the money over the years but none has ever been received to date. My basis of this is that you are talking about all these CHEATERS out there, maybe you should take a long hard look at yourself at the way you cheated these guys out of their $1,000.00 you still owe them and maybe many others that we don't know about before you call anybody else a cheater. How can you HONESTLY call all of these people cheaters when you are a big CHEAT yourself. Maybe you should fess-up and pay your debts and quit being such a cheat yourself before you start slandering others.
    As far as this new organization you are trying to start, remember where you came from and how you got where you are. If I remember right, we you not the guy that was tuning a BLOWN ALCOHOL DRAGSTER out of Texas with the words DIE A-FUEL SCUM on the injector hat about 3-4 years ago? :mad: [​IMG]
  6. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Pat- please re-read my post- I specifically did not point any fingers at anyone- I've been in racing since the 60's and have run into the A list vs B list on many occassions, esspecially when there is a new product. It's not a case of won't sell it- it's a case of we will sell to you when we have supplied all the people ahead of you on the list- Funny- they never show you the list! Heck there is even a price differance on occassion (which is good marketing- sell it to those who give you the most exposure for less as the returns will be made up down the road) This is often circumvented by getting an A list person to make your purchase although the secrecy thing rears it's ugly head. A list people do not want to jeprodize their position unless they are an untouchable such as Dale Armstrong or Austin Coil etc. [​IMG]
  7. Kathy Wendland

    Kathy Wendland New Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    If I remember right the time we had the Die A/Fuel Scum sticker was when we were team mates with Melaine. At the time she was driving an A/Fuel. And on her scoop she had a sticker "A/fuel Scum". All in good Fun

    Keep it Solid
  8. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    You don't know half the story. I know for a FACT that Norm never tested or sent the (what you call "C" blower rotor specs to SFI. Matter of fact PAT, why don't you post the letter SFI sent norm about how they were going to shut you guys down for your stupid move. SFI tags, backdated on rotors that were not in fact SFI. I know more than what you think about this. You are suppose to present SFI with changes and testing. These new rotors, .160 larger in diameter were never at anytime presented to SFI. Go blow smoke up someone elses ass. Hairlip......

    You are nutless.... You make me sick because you have really no idea what you are talking about. You quote others. That's all you know..You forget, I was involved with NHRA in this deal so I have more info than most. There will be a website...You can count on it. Tim already has offered it. Will, same price you pay....
  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    re: A list vs. B list.

    Let's say you had the ability to make three new style widgets for a drag car in a 30 day period. And you felt these widgets might pick up a tenth over the old ones currently in use. Good business sense says that because you want to ultimately sell a million of these things, the first to try them should be Frank, Jay, Bucky or Newberry. Why? Because these guys race more often and will figure them out quicker. If you had only one, and had the choice of Dixon or Sosenka using it, who would you pick?

    Racer's are like sheep. If so-and-so has it and runs that well, then everyone will have to have it. If Dixon rips off a 4.39 after putting one on, then everyone knows about it. If Sosenka rips off his first 4.99 after putting one on, nobody knows about it.

    Unfortunately, that's life in the big city.
  10. Tommy

    Tommy Super Comp

    Jul 27, 2003
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    hey rob Wentland. Are you going to pay the $1000 dollars you owe Mikes freind? I want to know if you are going to promise right hear on insidetopalchohol.com in front of everyone if you are going to be a stand up guy and pay your debt to this persons you screwed. tell me. Otherwise you have no friends here, my man. anyone of us could be next. you want me to send you money to join afro after the screwing you gave that guy. promise to pay him now or you suck.
  11. DHE

    DHE New Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Good to hear both sides of the story.
  12. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    I will leave you out of this...remember though you are the one who posted on the thread to someone who doesn't rate very high in my book. I know how you feel about Afuel racers. I also know how much of a sore loser you were at Indy. They tried to shake your hand but you ran to your car and rolled up the window. Sportsmanship, I think not...At least there will be no question how we feel about each other.


    The Kirks in fact did swap all the things you said. I'm not sure about the exact numbers. When you were pitted next door at Houston, I talked with Randy for about 15 minutes. Nothing was even mentioned about money. We talked about the business, his Mom and how big his kids were getting. In fact, I haven't received a call from them since 1999. We also traded a PSI hat with a bell scoop. I really did think we were even. I know if someone owed me a grand I would be after it! I hope Randy will call so that this can be resolved. They were good friends til this blower shit started. 785-423-1277 is my cell. I will be in Reading the rest of this week.
    Mike, you were still a cheater....How did the people feel that ran beside you that didn't have this blower? Whatever, think what you want. Anything else?

    Who the hell are you? Send me money, 1.00 dollar. How much can you afford to send then? Maybe you should join TARA then for 250.00. Or maybe A/FRO would be better off without your help. I'm serious.
  13. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    Norm, you called Jim Collins Friday night when you found out the JC was checking blowers at Orlando. You said he called you, bullshit. He said he could give me a copy of his phone bill if needed....Were you worried that evening? Like a whore in church! Pat, hope you can find your SFI letter, I may even have a copy of that! As soon as I get back to Kansas, I will post the tape and manualscript. Again Norm, you started it, but I will finish it.

    A/FRO will have it's first meeting in Reading at 9:30 a.m. to anyone who would to attend. It will be held in front of Mike Gundersons trailer and should take no more than 15 minutes.

    On the agenda:
    Saftey issue on arm restaints.
    Goals of A/FRO
    Elect officer for Div. 1
    Discuss current A/Fuel swaps going on now.
    Where NHRA stands on there vote for pairity.
    Shirts will be availiabe after meeting.
  14. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Randy, I enjoyed your a vs. b list explanation. In truth, it's even more complicated. If you want to introduce a new product into NHRA, before you even know whether or not it will work, you have to make enough of them that if it DOES work, NHRA won't ban it for not being widely enough available. But then if it doesn't work, you have a large pile of very expensive boat anchors. Then, to get these untested products distributed, you call everyone you can think of to find someone that will try it -- and you usually fail. Then, when you finally get on track and it works, someone you didn't think to call is going to feel left out, slighted, angry, whatever. So, you try to keep the lid on what worked until you can make more and talk to more people and ... well, I imagine you can see where I'm going.
  15. paalexander

    paalexander New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Rob: I'm not sure what has made you so angry. You got what you wanted -- the C blower has been banned for several years. Also, neither Norm nor I addressed you in this thread at all. I believe Scott Nelson asked you a question, and another person followed up on the question.
  16. Kingnitro

    Kingnitro New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Will, I think this thread has gotten way out of hand! Time to 86 this sucker!
  17. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Will- I disagree- censorship sucks! all posts have come complete with names- no one is hiding - that's refreshing!
  18. Outlaw Nick

    Outlaw Nick Top Dragster

    Jun 22, 2003
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    I'd be interested to see Norm Drazy's thoughts on why blown alcohol cars are not running better than they are.
  19. Wendland

    Wendland Guest

    If you read the first thread.....This was about the structure of an organization. No toes were stepped on. No one was name calling. Norm started the finger pointing.

    In good faith, A/FRO is real. It's just another look at this class and where it should go. It was also devoloped to inform, not harm. Personal opinions will arise as any form of government. I will say this, there are more negitive posts from blown racers towards me for what? Pat, if you would like to call me to discuss this you can. Don't worry, my cell phone doesn't have a recorder on it. 785-423-1277

    Thanks for all the e-mail and questions, membership forms will be availible soon. It's hard to organize things on the road.

    Rob Wendland
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    well rob, i'm not going to get into a shit talking battle with you, but i will address your a/fro movement.

    your creation of this organization is worse for the class then having no organization at all. tara is to the point now where nhra is working with us. tara doesn't need the a/fuel contingent working against it, it needs more a/fuel membership and participation. like i told you in person, there is much more tara can do for the rarers, its just that this parity issue is bull staring us in the face.

    it appears that your a/fro movement is an attempt to undermind the influence and growth of tara. that's all nhra needs to hear. 'no we dont like them, so we have our own association with our own agenda'

    if you are so adamant about pushing the a/fuelers' cause, then why not get more a/fuel racers to join tara? everybody has the same vote.

    as far as the c blower deal goes, i was just presenting the other side of the story. i guess if rob wendland didn't say it, it isn't a fact?

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