1000' for alky in Pomona?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    How many top alcohol drivers would be in favor of running 1000' in Pomona. Maybe if we get the ball rolling for this right now something can be put in place!
  2. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    1000 foots

    Lift all rule restrictions on Blown & Nitro and run 1000 ft?
    any blower & 100% nitro

    gettin close in Bama:eek:
  3. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    I'll go on record as not being in favor of 1000' for alcohol, even after putting one in the net at the Seattle divisional race. I think it was the right decision for T/F and F/C for now - but hope they can go back to 1/4 mile racing.
  4. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Will, are you racing at Pomona? Why not let the racers competing decide if it's too dangerous, and if so they can stay home! I've never seen an alky car go into the sand when they're chutes come out on time! You gonna push for Norwalk to go 1000' because Von's chute was late? :confused:
  5. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    read what you just typed

    maybe you ought to think about what you just said darren. of course the problem isn't having enough room when the chutes come out, it's when they don't. no i'm not racing but i don't want to see anyone get hurt. if someone has a chute and brake failure, it's going to be real ugly. real ugly. it's sand, nets then a wall. i was doing color commentary a few years ago at pomona and saw mert littlefield go off the end of the track at a very high rate of speed in pomona. my heart absolutely sunk when i saw the body going end over end over the wall, then it landed on pomona blvd. as kids we learn when we touch a pot on the stove and it's hot, you don't do that anymore. every year someone else tears a car or body up in the sand at pomona. lengthening the track isn't an option. how many more cars do we have to send into the trap to figure out pomona is too short for what we're doing?

    chute and brake failure isn't all that uncommon. no it's not common, but it's happened before, and you can be certain that it will happen again. i left my final class in college to go straight to darrell russell's funeral. a year later i went to shelly howard's funeral, who i crewed for and was like a mom to me. i've been on the starting line to see her crash in noble. i've been on the starting line to see jay meyer, who was like a second dad to me get life flighted from the track a couple times. not to mention numerous other friends. i've strapped my ass in these cars and i know the risk. i've damn near knocked myself out, had a couple of small fires and got right back in the car but that's not the point. i'm not saying 1000' was the answer in the above cases. the point is i give a damn about not seeing something bad happen to someone again, regardless of whether i know them or not. i give a damn about making the sport safer a lot more than i care about running a quartermile.

    so that's my opinion. notice i asked for other driver's opinion. maybe i'm in the minority, but this is a discussion site. your reply was pretty tasteless and clueless i might add.
  6. Lawren Jones

    Lawren Jones Comp Eliminator

    Dec 9, 2003
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    You might want to check the IP address of Mr Darren Smith. My guess is it will have an Albuquerque IP address attached to it. I don't think I need to tell you the dipshits name who sits at the computer attached to that address.

    Lawren Jones
  7. fuelslut

    fuelslut New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    Will, whens the last time you drove a car, and when is last time i've seen you at the track....don't go all Oprah on us..
    i don't drive just like you but, i know plenty that do, most don't even check in here, they are busy racing.
    racing to 1000ft would surley give the blown guys a advantage, so we know now where your heart is. you're not gonna git up on the tire on this one...
    so if you feel this way, maybe drag racing ain't your thing.
    you ever seen a bull just stop and let the cowboy off?
    get off your high horse and let the guys race, don't start this stuff here.
    (go ahead and delete this, like you always do)
  8. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    By the way, I'm a 1/4 mile guy almost 100% of the time. But, I'm not sure I could stop myself before the sand trap after sprinting down the right hand lane at Pomona.
    Will lives at the track and is way too smart to watch Oprah.
    Proud of you.
    An advantage for a BAD? Doubt it, but it might help bring the AFDs back to reality by actually providing closer racing. That would be a novel idea. And don't call me surley.
    Good point....and the TF and FC drivers should take up beer pong.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  9. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Will has a good point, all it's gonna take is for one of our friends to get hurt or killed and the suits make changes after the fact, they are hardly ever pro-active, and smart racers have good ideas, i like 1/4 mile racing but at some point in time the law of dimishing returns is gonna kick in, 1000 ft would save in all aspects, safety, parts, fuel and parity, let us run all out in both combo's at a 1000 ft, no rules let racers use their talents, rules equals spending more money, some of these divisional tracks are not safe and we have to face the facts!

    my 2 cents :confused:

  10. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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  11. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I would be all for 1000 ft. racing we have had a hand full of times where we had to shut it off before the finish line and during servicing the car we find a rod bearing was getting black and if we made the full pull would have kicked the rods out as it did for no reason on our first run in Sonoma this last weekend just past the 1000 ft mark.
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    what i would like to say...

    i'd really like to tell some people where they can stick it, but i'll leave it at that.

    all i can say to the people cussing me out because i want to take a proactive look at safety is go to a couple of funerals of people you really were close friends with and it puts things in a little more perspective.

    i've never been one to hide behind something to make another point, and you know that ethan. i've got a pretty good track record of speaking my mind. i call them like i see them, regardless of who it pisses off. i own a website for the top alcohol class, and it would probably make a lot more sense for me to keep my mouth shut on parity and 'make the a/fuel guys who never, ever, ever look at this site anymore, happy.' must be a lot of other racers looking at the site because site traffic is double what it was two years ago.

    you know, why the hell can't people just do like russ parker and say, no, i don't agree with that because.... instead of mf'ing me. if you've got a better idea, speak up, because i'm sick of seeing cars go off the end of the sand. i'm sick of seeing comp cars crash because they get stuck with a late friday or saturday night cleanup round when you know the track is slick as hell. i speak up about that over on the comp site.

    when i drove, myself and my car owner took a lot of steps to make sure the car was going to stop. we put time into desiging the spill plates and deck lid to help the chutes out. i pulled two chutes every run. i baby powdered the chutes every other run. all that preperation aside, if something happened to the chutes at pomona, you're going in the sand. if no chute and no brakes, it's gonna be ugly.

    as far as having the balls to get in one, get in one and get a license then talk to me. don't talk to me about riding bulls because i've done that too.
  13. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Will; some of these dopes have probably never been to Pomona. Including returns for rain, I'm over 75 trips there. I 've seen too much drama within the alky classes to think that this should be addressed soon. I don't have the answers, but 1000' might really help.
    I don't really know Hitchman very well, but I have to feel pretty bad for a guy who's lost TWO cars there, and the many others I have seen ruined there.
  14. nitrohemi

    nitrohemi injected nitro!!

    Nov 17, 2007
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    You got the wrong guy , am busy working on our race car getting ready for div race in cordova ill this weekend. & working for the man so I can go , no time to sit & type all night , thanks for the space willy
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  15. fuelslut

    fuelslut New Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    no ones mf'ing you will...
    top alcohol doesn't have the same problems that top fuel has, and if racing to 1000ft is such a great idea for all the reasons out there, 330 would make more sence...and don't tell me that the blown cars won't have a advantage.
    maybe my comments were a little off the cuff, and i apologize. you asked for a oppinion, and i gave it to ya.
    as far as comming up with a solution to the problem, i say what problem?
    fyi....my name is not ethan, and i don't have a tatto on my back.
  16. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    ethan, sorry i got my nitro nicknames mixed up

    slut, your statement about if 1000' is good, wouldn't 330' be better is so stupid, it doesn't merit a response.

    in that light you may or may not be able to grasp the problem is every year a few alky cars get trashed or have bad crashes in the sand at pomona. there's more cars that go into the beach there than any other track. why? because it only has 2100' of shutdown.

    blown cars advantage? advantage? really. just a real quick look at drc on some good runs where they posted incrementals. duane shields 5.17 pass (4.374 1000'). duane shields 5.25 (4.450) jim whiteley 5.30 (4.480) marty thacker 5.26 (4.439). figure it out on your own.

    this topic isn't about parity. it's about safety at pomona.
  17. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    AH HA!! So what your saying, is on a best run vs. best run, There is a .10 disparity. ( I have no idea why I felt compelled to post this, I just wanted to be involved in this thread:rolleyes:) I love this place.
    Hi Will..;)
  18. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    You didn't give us your opinion on 1000' for alcohol at Pomona. I'd bet you'd be for the longer track, based on all that driving you did at Sonoma in your alcohol dragster when you took it all the way back to the pits. I know I might have reminded you about this once before, but I just really thought it was funny at the time.
  19. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Can Obama really win with 1000 ft tracks?

    Russ, Im all for 1/2 mile tracks, it gets me closer to my pit spot:D
    I really need to do something spectacular to get that driving back to the pit thing out of your mind..

    My wife still reminds me of that laps in good sportsmanship also:)
  20. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    In all fairness I should state that Don actually coasted back to his pit and it was at a very slow speed.
    Something spectacular, huh. How about a wheelstand in a funny car?:rolleyes:

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