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I have a brand new Dart Pro Race block 10.200 deck , + .600 cam, Donavan spread pan rail, .904 lifter bores, billet steel caps and a 4.500 bore....
Time to replace my chutes and was wondering if anyone has tried the Simpson 8 ft outlaw sky jackers on a 200 mph , in the 1/8th mile, race car....
Where can I find a new framastat valve for the bi-directional fluid diverter on my blown hemi. Seems every time I have a problem on a run that I...
It's official .... PDRA is, with the support of Powershield coatings, a div of Toefco, adding Pro Open Outlaw to the 2015 line up. There will be...
Who has the best deal on red line trans fluid??
Does anyone know of an on engine valve spring tool for a miner bros hemi. Sucks to remove the head just to swap a spring or retainers. ?
I know this question has been asked 1000 times on this site . But the forum search tool is very hard to use. So I will ask the question again, who...
What is the correct torque spec for the pinion nut on a 9 in ultra case strange center section. Female coupler in place now, need to remove so...
Bruno drive , Lenco drive or B and J Convertor drive. Which is the best / coolest running / most reliable ? May replace my glide.
Added a new back half to my dragster and now the mag is too far away from the points box for the leads to reach. Jegs shows part number 8614 (two...
Picked my dragster up Saturday at sipple's shop ..... Had him lengthen and back half my Spitzer dragster. To anyone looking for some chassis work...
Does anyone know where I can get a 6 to 7 inch carbon fiber wing that is 30 to 40 inches long? Needs to have a mounting of no more than 4 in...
The Protopoutlaw's first race of the year will be may 26 2013 at Dorchester Dragway in Dorchester SC. Heads up dragsters, altereds,and some...
Thanks to Cameron Bradham at Torque Convertor Services for building my powerglide transmission that allowed me to set the record at 3.714 sec in...
Just recieved word that Don had a heart attack and didn't survive it. It was sudden and unexpected...our prayers for his family, from Jody Stroud,...
Little help please.... 7 deg, 10 deg or Super 7 deg.?
Have any of you guys had trouble with mutiple bad crank trigger pickups. Tried Leahy, Spud Miller, and now I'm on a MSD. Is there some secret that...
Does anyone make hemi spark plug tube covers to cover the hole in the valve cover to keep small rocks and sand out.?
Can you run a glide in TAD? If so what bellhousing, and can you use a billet flywheel with machined teeth and an on board starter? I can...
Need to see if did this right.... set motor(on compression stroke) to top dead center, then went to 25 deg advance (MBR motor). Set mag in and...