Separate names with a comma.
Practically no one runs a B&J back east... Fairly simple if you are on the east coast, run a lenco... If you are out west, you have a choice...
Randy, I enjoy your writing style. You always seem to put things in perspective with very few words... Dan
Will, Don't think I could have stated that any better... Nice job... Kick some Afuel butt in Indy... wait a second... That doesn't make...
Jim, Part of the problem is the Division Director (BL)that you are dealing with. He has not been shy with his dislike of the alky classes as a...
Don, They have insane asylums in most large cities... Sorry, couldn't resist...
I believe the rule is 0 degrees + or - 2 degrees.
Send Bill and email... He might be able to help you out... You might even try this email address...
I'll guard the beer in the trailer while you are up making a run...
Bill, You want to fly my ass in every week?
Bruce, Someone new coming into the class? NHRA or IHRA?? You building something new, quitting completely, or just sitting out for a while??
Now Tony... That wasn't being nice... Funny, but not nice...
Mike Burns?? Is this the same Mike Burns from the Pittsburgh area that used to run a Chevy back in the late 80s early 90s??
I can tell you that the Division One Director would love to see the alky cars canned at the points races. So it would not surprise me at all if...
That was bad...
Now that would have been hilarious... I wish I would have thought of it...
I wasn't sure he really wanted to sell the car. It was only posted 3 or 4 times... LOL...
that there is a 1968 camaro for sale...
Todd is not going to have the car together in time to make hotlanta. Last he told me he was hoping for Columbus... [ May 10, 2004, 05:46 PM:...
:mad: The west coast isn't the only place where tracks like this exist and the alcohol cars are scheduled. US-13 in Delmar finally was...
Are you surprised? I'm not...