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thanks guys! going to check the side seals this week
supose i should of just aked will a brad leak oil out of the rear main when it is not running if its bad? thanks again
have a bae billet block . cant seem to get it to stop leaking out off the back of the oil pan. just got a new dan olson pan an one of those new...
you can also use a gear elimanator shaft that lenco sells takes your 3 speed to a 2 speed
ive heard good an bad about both people have been fast with both. just wandering what the top alky gus think i have a brad 5 with a screw on it in...
plugs 1 have 70 r5671a-9s all new you can have them all for 140$ 609 276 5666
just wandering what you guys think? i know a 2 pece is nice cause you can take the jacket off but i was thinken it mite bunch up when siten in...
dose he have a web site ?
lol sure seems like that!
in the market for a new oil pan just wandering whos is the best . sick of leaks i have a bae 5 billet block. i also see that some have o rings...
thanks for the info just got off the phone with lenco they said the cs2 needs a min of 250 max 300 ! i was using the reg that lenco sent me found...
both i have the big pods on the lenco
dose any body know whaut the psi should be on a bruno lenco set up 3 speed cant seem to get seem to get a answer any where thanks
acd i have a brand new acd setup for a 3 speed if any ones intersted 300$ 609 276 5666
hey bob just got back to a compter my addreses is 2204 glenoak drive forked river nj 08731 thanks mike 609 276 5666
hey bob how about 300$ for all there all like brand new give me a call at 609 276 5666 thanks mike
whaut are you guys using to polish your injectors just looked at mine an looks like some white stuff grew on it over the winter. also how about...
wow! thanks for the info my old set up was a oddys 509 with a roots an i used about 4 gallons never whould of thought it whould more then doubel
im building a new fuel cell for my outlaw car about how many gallons do you think i will need with a bae an a d rotor screw in the 1/4 ? ive been...
hey chris mike reynolds like to find out about your racepak stuff please call 609 276 5666 thanks