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i run a -12 with no problems
Hey Howard, 2 speed lenco? Most guys run a 3 speed. I ran a 2800# car with a bruno/lenco 3 speed, 1.98 1st and 4.30 gear. Marty at chance said I...
S&W sells them too.
I have a small 24 volt charger if your interested.
if you have 2 12 volt batteries wired in series then you can charge each battery individually 12 volt. Other than that you need 24 volt.
I ran a bruno for years in a blown door car 2700# 7.30's with no problems. It was an older unit and I had a chance convertor. Just make sure you...
Thank God for mom or those girls would be really screwed up. Doesn't he have another daughter Adra? I thought she was married to Hight?
I have used 16 volts for years and love it.
wizards has it