Separate names with a comma.
Haven't you got better things to do? By the way, doesn't this subject remind you of someone?..... " no problem " !!!!
What do you guys find are the better Goodyears, 1490 or 1022? And if you were to use beadlocks, which ones ? Thanks.
Yup........what he said !!!!!!!!??????????:confused: :confused: :confused:
"Rolme", yeah, I'll be at the winters, should have run last weekend except for a little accident in the garage while loading the car, garage floor...
Hey Stuart, The other thing could be worn intake valve guides/stems. I found that with too much clearance, and with increased boost/pressurizing,...
Yep, wwwaaaaaaayyyyyyyy T.M.I. And after experiencing your bathroom visits, I think I have some knowlege on this subject. What the hell is wrong...
Go easy on the old guy, he's been a little busy.......... too many irons in the fire..........up to his a*#hole in alligators........goin' to beat...
Have same type of car, took fire system off for the reason you described, and also the wind speed would probably negate the usefullness of the...
Gerry Woz, check your p.m's.
Gerry Woz, I'm the foreign guy that came looking at your deal at Las Vegas Nat.event in 2004, I was interested in going the...
afuelfreak, how much experience do you have with these "boat anchors"? I can tell you one thing that goes with these motors is the genuine help...
Guys, which Goodyear works best in F/C, 1490 or 1022? and are they o.k. on beadlocks?