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Bob Newberry 352-486-5742
Thought you were gonna start your own website?
Looks like i need to replace a few rockers and buy a couple of spare, so i'm thinking about going ahead and buying a new set. i currently have...
You should call Billy Martone, he has run an f3 on a hemi injected alcohol in outlaw 10.5. He ran a KAM system also He can probably give you some...
I know guys that run turbos that have injectors right after the turbos to achieve the affect you are talking about.
If your running 25 initial and you pull 15 out and phase it at max retard, then your phase will be 15 degrees out when the timing comes back in,...
If you are going steel, go with Oliver, they are THE best
Aluminum rods are not the only deal for blower motors as some believe. Jsut ask the guys that run the offshore racing boats. they make 1500 hp ALL...
Big cap, put that on first thing becasue i knew i was retarded :) I also split the difference on the phase. Forgot to do that once on my old...
60 over gonna drop another 5 out (start at 5 initial) and make some suspension changes
Traction issus to say the least, unfortunately, we had some valve cover sealing issues that we weren't able to correct at the track so we were...
pulled 30 out? what was total timing?
Just curious as to how much timing you can pull out at launch on blown alky deal. I've pulled as much as 15 degrees at launch. My new ignition...
75611 The 75611 works for what you are trying to do. I ran it on my Porsche 10.5 car with a blown big block. You jsut have to get a good baseline...
I experienced the same phenomenon. It doesn't make sense, since like you said it's a hall effect. So the signal is either there or it isn't, but...
OK Guys, all is well. Turns out i was being overcautious looking for a spark and tryig to phase the rotor before i fired it. I fired it up on the...
Starting on 24 volts, but motor is only spinning at 268 rpm per computer?
OK I recharged the batteries to the max and tried it again with the crank trigger with the lights off and have a very weak spark. I'm used to MSD...
I'm using the set up cap that has 8 big holes in it to phase this thing in. I used a screwdriver to locate the magnet in the wheel and lined up...
x The connector in the crank trigger cable? I tried 3 different cables with 2 different crank triggers. I checked the resistance on the crank...