Separate names with a comma.
Narrow- not yet it hasn't- still going to be a requirement- USA will give it's citizens a smart card, but Canada is not keeping up- Sad!
Way to go Gunner! A real great guy who will help you out in a minute! A blower sure wakes that Nitro up!
Dave- not yet-- may come in Sep 06 due to U S Homeland security- below is a quote from Canada immigration-- To enter Canada you require a valid...
My first ta/fc ( arrow body) was a Ken Cox chassis, and he mounted an Iverson vette body in 1980 for me- As I was from out of country he let me...
some good points Will- top fuel (90percent of them) run 100 tall blocks and don't run 3in mains. Other than that you are pretty on the money-...
Bob- did Chris get the gears I sent? My thoughts are the a/fd cars still had more power than the blown cars in Vegas- Just maybe, the air was not...
spacone Jr. Dragster "a ton of cars to race in blown fuel" Not as easy or as cheap as you think my man- If it ever comes about, the same...
When are you guys gonna get off the percentage thoughts- The a/fd cars that run 5.6-5.8 run the same percentage as Conway and others who run 5.2-...
great timing- just sent ours for recert:(
(questions directed to fuel guys are allowed only from fuel guys only!)
interesting observation Dan.
No one seems to be commenting on the plethora of A/FD's in Texas this weekend- Are they the only teams that can afford GPS? LOL!
Doug- your comments are starting to sound ignorant- what part of higher min weight don't you understand? Seat- dash etc. is carbon fibre now-...
For Sale- 100 PSI blowers- 500.00 each!
Kevin-LOL! you make it really tuff not to like you when you come up with an answer like that! Guess when it comes right down to it- we are all...
John, I think Sean and Norm were real close to a high .20 in Pomona....and if memory serves me right the air in Pomona was a heap higher than...
109 degree track temp sure hurts those a/fd's on 97%?????
I love hearing them fire up in the next lane- I like it even better if they stay slightly behind for the full 1/4 mile. LOL! On a serious note- I...
Dale Armstrong Gene Adams Billy Williams
wildride- might work if you dumped in a "LOT" of prolong or lucas additive/stabilizer- The heat is so high it all runs like water after the burn...