Separate names with a comma.
I have tried to email them several times with no reply... I'd love to sign up, but if I cannot get an answer to emails, I am a little skeptical...
I was wondering the same myself... I just want to know if anyone is using the nitro spool for methanol use, or if everyone is using the...
There are also spools for nitro as well, though, right? I am looking at a barrel valve that someone is selling that was used on a nitro car, and...
Quick question... For blown alcohol ProMod use, the Enderle K-valve is pretty common. What spool is typically used in it, the methanol spool...
That's good to know....
Is it worth the yearly fee? Also, I registered as a guest, but I think I am still locked out of downloads and that typical?
I know I'll probably get slammed for this since some will consider it asking for too much information, but this is a tech forum to help learn. I...
I understand that there are certain rule restrictions on what can be run, but I am interested in Outlaw use primarily. What types of boost...
I was just wondering if anyone has ever compared the flow numbers at various lifts for the major alcohol hemi head manufacturers to see which seem...
That's what I was primarily wondering. I would be glad to work for free for someone, providing that they would be willing to teach. I live in...
Can anyone vouch for this? I am trying to learn how to build/tune Alc. Engines. Any suggestions appreciated (other training methods, books,...
What kind of performance differences can be seen if one was to have simiar spec'd engines with these different heads? I have the opportunity to...
i have seen many dragsters, funny cars, etc. that "lose a cylinder" half-way down the track. What is the typical causes of this (broken spring,...
Simple question...Not having the two types of heads in fromt of me, what are the differences in the two types (design, specs, function, etc.)? I...
I have a dumb question, but I cannot seem to find the answer on the web. I know you guys will know the answer in a heartbeat. It is very basic....
Can someone please explain to me the Chevy hemi? I have seen numerous racers online that have a "Chevy hemi". What is this? Is this what is...
What are the primary differences in these two types of blocks? Which would you recommended for ProMod use (or another type if you would recommend...
I am interested in building (or having built) a pro mod blown alcohol engine. I plan on configuring it for IHRA Pro Mod use as well as potential...