Separate names with a comma.
what is the overdrive that team is using?? cheers
entirley depends on your budget i guess
3 disc TAD set up is advertised on their website at $8800 whats A TI 10.7 Crower these days??
so is crane to come back ??? iv just had my blocks modified for jessel keyway lifters F***ing expensive but bullet proof (I hope)
I have at no time said its revolutionary in its operation as a clutch, Because as you said a while back a clutch is just a clutch what i have said...
isnt this stuff about alloy clutches annealing over time being carried too far look how many aft 12 stand clutches are in use all over the world...
who said super secret the sfi inspectrs just said it was the best alloy they had ever encountered being used in a clutch we can sit here and...
dislike 7 stands this is something i asked about and in the opinion of the manufacturers who are sucesfull racers the distance between stands...
the last link has a pic of the modern clutch check out the reinforcing round the spring housing then read the text and reviews from pro us racers
Agreed and i know its damn hard to change from something that works for something that maybe dont work and the AFT/Crower stuff is prevalent here...
that pic is one of the first clutches it has undergone a series of improvements since then, obviously it wasnt perfect right off the production...
its not new or hype its been around for a while now and what iv said it the truth the fact is that the lock up system on crower/aft is...
i have lock up fingers with mine as well as standard pictured i wont post those pics cause its not my place to show everyone incase they are...
the floaters are a unique design only produced in sweden, compared to AFT bronz e coated floaters they are very cheap if you buy a clutch buy...
you may want to look at the Leanders clutch, I have just got one of these and having had AFT and Crower befour where you get a cardboard box with...
yeah the fuel tyres were a temp thing to get some more gear into the thing, i have no intention of running them full time, I think a problem we...
Thanks for that, I was using an AFT 2 disc this year with the 2.04, we are allowed a 3 disc next year and as the leanders clutch is produced in...
As above for a NHRA legal blown pro mod, shooting for low 6.0 passes hat to pan ERD brad 6 /PSI Roots with down nozzels 4,56 rear 2700lbs...
Leanders is a very nice peice and well proven
thanks i dont know if i have any options on plugs I have a legal ERD BAE pro mod set up, I know that i need to find a cheaper source of plugs...