Separate names with a comma.
Do you guys run an indicator across your flywheel before you bolt up the converter ? It's probably old news now but when the Quicker Drives first...
When I clean the lifters with a ultra sonic cleaner I then put them in a pan on a hotplate with the motor oil of choice and let them simmer about...
What is your clearance between the journal size and the ID of the rod bearing ? I have seen excessive clearance do this kind of damage --
Who's data recorder are you using ? Why don't you get the magnets from them ?
Trying using a glue to hold the seal firmly on the cap when you assemble the pan onto the block--- give it time to set up---- using silicone to...
Are you using a "glue" to put the deal over the rear cap, or silicone ?
I know you stated three different pans were tried--- I always tried the pan on the block without the gaskets first--- to assess the quality and...
I always use the first point where the fuel pressure drops as a start point---- it seems to get everything involved that comes after...
Hold on to your hat Dave ! I said the same thing a few weeks ago to a different post , same questions --- got nothing but ass from several guys !...
Sounds like some more ignition timing is needed---
Blown, Injected, Alky, Gas ????? Need more info
Mike , what was the ET of that 3.17 run ?
which end of the manifold is your boost sensor located ?
That's exactly the car I was thinking of in my earlier post------------------the other issue that used to be talked about but isn't too much is...
I'm thinking there are Bonneville cars running them successfully for extended periods ---
I have seen some valvoline 70 wt separate like that after three years in a drum--- we mixed it in 5 gal pails with a paint mixer and ran it with...
Eli, this started out as a question about a wet sump--- so where is the tank in this scenario ?
Very good ! Thanks for the update .
You could have a vacuum leak above OR below the blower flange . The manifold to head also, a leak around your burst panel maybe ?