Separate names with a comma.
Go with the 1.69. Cameron at Tourque Convertor services in Columbia sc built my transmission with a coan 1.69 or 1.65 ( can't remember which they...
Picked my dragster up Saturday at sipple's shop ..... Had him lengthen and back half my Spitzer dragster. To anyone looking for some chassis work...
Thanks Greg.
Thanks I'll do that. I was beginning to think I beating a dead horse on this one.
Does anyone know where I can get a 6 to 7 inch carbon fiber wing that is 30 to 40 inches long? Needs to have a mounting of no more than 4 in...
I can't speak for the rossler trans, but I've run a power glide for years with a blown hemI and have never ran a cooler, only a loop line in the...
What kind of transmission are you using?
Yes and it keeps the oil on the rockers and other engine parts for weeks between races. I've never tried more but two quarts might be even better....
Lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer has worked for me like a charm. One quart of Lucas and 14 qt's of Valvoline 60 weight.
I'd like to see Grimes get ahold of a MBR motor and a racer with deep enough pockets to really be able to lean on one hard.
Tell that to Joey Severance , Clint Thompson, Steve Gasprelli, Ken Perry, and Doug Gordon. Plus I outrun the hell out of late model Brad stuff on...
I'm really really,pleased with my MBR Rhino motor. I haven't found Bob's prices to be too high. His combo seems to be easy on a lot of internal...
Those egt's are very hot..... But the real question is how do the plugs look, you need to run ngk plugs so you can read the burn on the cadmium...
Moroso makes a very good one now. It is housed in a neat Metal housing.
Change rods at 25 passes ( if not post up the number of runs you got out of a set before one broke and trashed your motor ). That way we can all...
Call Horton race cars in belton s.c. Horton made an alum one for Eddie C's car a couple of years ago. Looks pretty bitchen
Swap them every weekend to keep them clean and even.
If he shit me like that ...... One of us would be going to the hospital. F... The money, I'd drive to him and put my foot in his azz...:. Or get...
Took 481 up to turn my roots at 40 over at 8000 Rpms a blower dyno a screw will use a lot less hp to turn at same boost and Rpms
Resistance ...:: you can damage one by slightly over tighten it.