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cantrell racing product
.005 is 5 thousand not .050 thousand. (.050 )
Hi Shawn. This is Kevin from Cantrell Racing Products. Give me a call & I can talk to you about the posted issue. Kevin Cantrell 602-918-4945
where at in phoenix? Kevin
I have supercharger lube for sale. You can call me @ 602-918-4945 Kevin Cantrell
The pictures I just viewed look like a D rotor PSI Screw Blower not a C. Kevin.
Yes, you can make a B blower into a D blower. You will need a short shaft D housing and new gears. Kevin cantrell.
You need to drill the cam bearing. Take a long 3/16 drill bit and drill the cam bearing. Then you need to make oil grove on the cam wider and deeper
The Fitting from PSI will work. You need to mount it after the Y fitting so the flow meter will read it.
Cantrell Racing Product has updated screw blower that cool the charge up to 30 dergee. We can updated any type of blower. Kevin 602-918-4945
The black book from PSI is not always correct. It is information that came from other racers....some good and some Bad! The pump loop should not...
It sound like you need more air in the injector. 12/14 thousandth of clearance in the butterfly. Cantrell racing product. Kevin....
The way it went down was..... Gallen/Mcphillips was up first, they had to be shut off. Newberry was next, and he ran in the five's first. Then...
coating I have coating for blower housing. Call me @ 480-694-9222 / 602-918-4945 Cantrell Racing Product. Kevin.
Mike get well soon, Cantrell Racing Joe, Steve, Kevin and lump.
Get well soon bruce, Cantrell Racing Joe, Steve, Kevin and lump.
Earl hose. Hey mark, I use the earl hose and I also sell them. thanks Kevin.
There is no shims or forks in that tran. The tran with shims and forks are in the old trans/ funnycar trans. In the old trans you must set the...
There is no shims to change in that tran. Take out the oil plug, there should be a (dot) a 12 o'clock. That is how you set the tower. Trun the...
If you need factory crimped oil line. I can make what ever you need. Thanks Kevin.