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looking for a 1.6 or 1.7 gear set for a shorty. or possible (2) 1.50 sets.. must be for a shorty.. thanks
how much blade opening or how do you determine how far to open the throtle when setting the clamp on throtle stop. i know we need to cut one to...
looking for a way to shift a b&j off a rpm switch instead of manual on the steering wheel. i know acd makes one for a lenco, is there one on that...
Installed a new cam in a 526 kb and there was no card for valve lash. It's a crane 500/296 116 cl. Where do i need to start cold and hot ?
whats the best grind and brand for a std journal std cam bae 526. had a psi and went to a 1471 60 degree rotor. we run top dragster with a...
526 kb.. i had a psi on my motor and ran it for 3 years no problems what so ever. we went to a 1471 ssi d rotor and now were kicking the blower...
we run a b@j big boy with the shifter pods on the steering wheel. after the first run, she got out of the car with trans fluid all over her and...
does anyone offer a complete set up. button, 2 step for a 44, air throtle .
what can you use to polish the windshield or do you just buy a new one. it has a dull haze in the lexan and she cant see through the glass.
where is the best beal on panels. until i find this gremlin..i might need a few more...
does anyone know if trans king in galveston tx is still around. i know hurricane ike hit them last year and now no phone or fax.
i neeed to know about how much weight do i need to start with on each finger. it is a crower glide 6 finger clutch in a dragster with a 526 kb,... a msd guy that just bought a mallory " 10 " so im not really up on mallory. question is, how can you tell if it is a 10 or 11 or any...