Separate names with a comma.
To DAN,SERGE,MIKE,& the rest of the crew great job on winning the first of what we hope will be many big ones from THE LOURIE RACING CREW.Sorry...
I go along with PANMAN & D.Palmer,it never should have happened.Hang in there MARK,we here at LOURIE RACING are behind you.Get well SOON. CHUCK
DAVE RAY is 50!What a news flash.Pictures to follow at 11.I guess this means that the only things older then DAVE are ME & DIRT.HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
1) Serge please tell your bride for me another BIG THANK YOU for her working on me.She turned DAN'S PIT into a regular "DOCTOR PLACE".She stopped...
Serge you guys did the,PURE "HAT TRICK".WAY TO GO from the whole LOURIE RACING TEAM.I better bring another you know what to MAPLE GROVE.MIKE must...
SERGE looks like you got your HOT WEATHER TUNE-UP working.Sure looks like you have DAN & THE CREW going rounds.Two in a row and counting.I hope...
Congrats The Tasca Team We knew in DIVISON ONE that it was only a matter of time before you guys would be getting the "LITTLE GUY".RALPH to YOU...
Just got back from my son's wedding and see you guys did very well in VA.Way to go you guys from the LOURIE RACING TEAM.DAN,SERGE,MIKE,and the...
I also want to wish JAY and HIS BRIDE the best of luck and a long happy life together.Now has for you FOLLOW A DREAM GUYS I know that you will all...
Before our first qualifing pass we were checked in the lanes by "PETER THE METER READER" and passed.We sat out the second round and ran the...
SERGE,you were MUCH to easy on me.I think that the OILERS couldn't get their A GAME past customs.Something tells me I'm going to get it at the...
LOURIE RACING would like to say "THANK YOU" to PANMAN & SCOTT HALL for jumping in an giving us a hand at E-TOWN this week.We were short handed and...
It's E-town week BRUCE make sure you have some COKE ZERO for the SQUARE BOTTLE. CHUCK from LOURIE RACING
A/Fuel Explosion EDDIE,hope that you and your crew are doing better.I sent MARK a card yesterday.It should be there when he gets home.I was in...
Way To Go Mickey Ferro MICKEY,way to go for YOU,VICTOR,JOE,& EDDIE.You guys worked hard and deserve the win.Taking out THREE PAST & PRESANT WORLD...
Hey Chuck Sabis Way to go SERGE,kick me when I'm down.Better watch out,Manzo & John Glade are DEVILS FANS too plus JOHN FINK is running...
TOTAL TOP SHELF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WHOLE FOLLOW A DREAM TEAM from the LOURIE RACING CREW.You guys did it again and we sure are proud of...
Bruce Horner Bruce hang in there,DIVISON 1 needs you.Get well soon from LOURIE RACING.
Mike @ BNR MIKE,sorry to hear about your little problem.All of us at LOURIE RACING are pulling for you.Get well soon so you can brake my B*$##...
DEAREST PANMAN,if you go up to ALASKA make sure you know first what your rubbing noses with.Are you going south in a couple of weeks to visit...