Separate names with a comma.
Jody, I first used an MSD 10 with a crank trigger. Not enough........ umph. Went to a 44 mag, removed the crank trigger, took out my Tilton and...
Ride............. Cowboy up Shawn! You've still got a lot of horses to tame. Spur that desire, until you sweat bullets. Ride this bronc until...
..... Go ducks .....
Starter Mike Dunn has designed a mini starter that was designed for big block / blown applications. I have a roots blower and a 44 mag, spins...
No Pie............ The "plate" on a Hogans intake, isn't a delta opening, just a rectangle opening to the rear of the pie. This is wrong? Craig
Are there any screw on oil filters, that are as good as the Systems One, remote filter assy? Thanx'. Craig
Roots............. naw!! OK Sufer Boy.... When ya gonna tell them it's a screw blower??
Don... Thanx' for the info. I have a 9.8 block with a new 1471 HH with Kobelco rotors. Currently Big Chief heads an' a 3.75 stroke, 8400...
Any pro's and con's for the Arias Chevy Hemi heads? And any thoughts on what a comfortable stroke would be for a 9.8 block? Thanx', Craig
Division race If Spokane does accept NHRA as their venue, I'll bet they'll be asking for the remaining, unscheduled Division Race.... ASAP....
Brandon, Thanx' for the info!!!! Did your shovel turn into a front end loader after this storm? Shouldn't the " Forida Keys " be typed in the...
I'm interested in a roll-up flooring material, other than the Race Deck products that snap together. What products are out there?...
Vic, Rich from Cap racing, told me that Bucky put his name on the list. We'll stand by for news.....huh??? Me
It's In My Blood....( Vic ) Last week Natan Sitko said in his tread, that Bucky was going to have "Pro Comp" at Spokane. I've also heard that...
Lil' here-an' a Lil' there...... Sean, Ya' did good, thanx' for the quick response. Craig
When machining for a 3/16" O ring on a blower plate, what depth of the cut.. and width of the cut is acceptable without distortion to the plate,...
Blower Buddy..... Will,.. has u listed as being in the Jr. Dragster ranks, um....why do u need such a serious plug??? :-))))) Think of the...
$1.80......per. A min.order thru Carquest...( 10 boxes) was $1.80...R5671A-10, I jus' bought 20 boxes. Craig
Any take on Hogan's blower intake manifolds? Yea...or....neigh...BBC?? Thanx,
-- Simpson....