Separate names with a comma.
Guy Kelly - You used to tell me [last year when I worked on that other car], that you were just happy to be there. Well, that was on my mind this...
O.K. Lets see here - How about - Cannon over Gunderson in TAD. OOPS! That wont work, neither of them is entered in that race... Sorry Will, I...
I forgot to tell you last night, when the "Bama" gang went to the winners cicle [again], we tried to get Bill Holt to give us an extra Lucas Oil...
Wow - Every time I look at these "Picks" for a division 2 race, it's always Cannon over Gunderson.... Seems funny, cause all the "Bama" boys got...
Only if the Guy Kelly group goes... Bobby, is that you?
He has good insurance on everything, including his employees.. Savage
We have Hawleys 53 ft trailer returning to Florida - Empty. Anyone needing a car transported east, let me know. It will accomodate up to a 300"...
Nice goin to the Allen gang - that new car's commin around fast.
MG - I second that. The 'Bama gang are among the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to work with. When you take all their hard work,...
Kosmo - You commin to Indy?
Guess none of the fuelers want to play [other than the Cannon guys]. Come on now, this is for the crew people that are mostly volenteers and work...
Hey Will - Kelly aint goin to Bowling Green, he's savin all the AZZWHOOPINS for you and the other A/FOOLERS at Indy. How come nobody wants to get...
And for anyone who's never played this game, if the last 2 cars standing [on the list], go out in the same round, they split the $$$... See ya in...
O.K. - Here it is. Let's see who the players are, and who the talkers are. Anyone in TAD who wants to play, come by Guy Kellys trailer Saturday...
Guy Fred - cant make your e-mail work.. Shoot me an e-mail addy that works, or call me at 352-318-4211 [cell], or at the shop - 352- 373-2238...
Congrats to "Batman", Ronnie, Eddie "The Tube", and all the Alabama "Mother Truckers" on your win at Valdosta. It was a tricky race track, and I...
Congrats on your win at Montgomery. Not only were you low qualifier and low E.T. every round, but you left on everyone that staged up next to you....
Hey Will - Sickles wont be there. They said they`re runnin Div 1 this year, and if you guys think you`re gonna whup Kelly again, ya better bring...
Serge - call me - 352-485-2909 or 352-318-4211 Denny Savage
Have secured space available, 4 minutes from the track. Denny Savage 352-485-2909 or e-mail me -