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I was told that the wide 1/4 fingers are funnycar and the narrow ones are for dragsters.......
Welcome drew another aussie here , you will find heaps of info and tip , ideas on the search button and what you want may be...
will end in tears
i am about to mount my first set of liners. tyres,,,,,,,,any tips or secrets to help , it looks to be a shitfight waiting to happen:confused:
my first time with liners,,,,,,i been told how hard they are to fit,,,,,,,,any one have a tried and true mounting method,,,thanks
geat do you do that..with the click here to upsize....
thanks guys,,,,,,,,,that has me sorted out
my funnycar has strange 35spline floating axles that have a groove on the outside spline for a retaining clip or ring...a common circlip is too...
i called noel and he got me on track,,,,,he knows his apples.
i think i have found my problem.......the oil hole in the rocker shaft doesnt line up with the hole in the rocker arm , i have the slotted hole at...
anyone have some pics of some external rocker feed lines , where is the best spot to feed the oil to the stands , do i need to restrict the oil...
ok......progress report!!!!!!! i put a .120 taller crane lifter in and then cut a old pushrod down and made a checker so i could shorten it and...
i rang ajpe this morning.. them tubes are only .015 thick and thay said most likley wrong stands "purple" or the valves are cut too deep and...
dave......the bronze pushrod liners or tubes.. how thick are they ?did you just cut them with a burr and clean them with a sanding roll
sounds like its not that uncommon , any idea why these holes would not line up ......seems to be mostly exhaust , should i just remove enough to...
i have a jp1 block and a set of aj fuel heads , every thing fits up good except for the exhaust pushrod holes in the block dont line up properly...
thanks guys co2 it is,,,,,,,,,,,the shifts back to first deal won me!!!!!!!!!
can i use just commpressed air in my lenco bottle instead of co2 if so how much pressure do i need , i wouldnt think that a compressor would pump...
we had a fuel car go straight through the net in sydney australia at the australian nationals a few weeks ago as well , car was totaled when it...
email kb and they will e mail you back with a neat diagram