Separate names with a comma.
I do not know why someone has not pointed this out already, I am sure it would not be good TV with out some controversy... LOL Heck even when an...
Straddling the fence I know I am going to get nailed for this, and I am not trying to slam anyone, or take sides. But I feel we are reading into...
congrats Spencer!! great job and good luck in the future... From Ralph in Salt Lake
Well I guess it is going to be long time before Mark stops smilling now!! Congrats to the whole Billet Bullet Gang! I am sure that second win is...
Because of turn around times, and interveiws usually after the first qualifing pass the car is weighed twice. Once with the driver, that weight...
I can get you in contact with Don Jackson the creator of the BDK Valve, I know what the BDK is used for but I do not want to give you any...
You are right!! Terry has had the car for around a year now, he is getting help from the Strasburg Family, on maintance, and tuning. Terry is...
I just wanted to mention to every one to be very careful of the type of formed seat kits you get! I too was at PRI and talked to several people...
Don't quote me on this but the new NHRA Rule books are usualy released at the PRI show.
My Son will be wrapping up his 4 years in the Air Force this coming June, from his opinion it has had ups and downs. But all around has been a...
More Info Will, Rocky Mountain Raceways (Utah) has been considering some sort of Alky Event, and now is the time to look at something. If you...
The last time I talked to Morgan, he said "that the spitzer car was for sale, and he was having one of his Hadman (fuel) cars back halfed". And...
Congrats to the whole Ynot team!! I figured that this car was in for some good carma after what Chip went through, to get it finished that last...
Sad, Sad News!! I got to meet "Pops" when he was working with the Lucas Afuel car with Jim Rizzoli. He was always great to us when we were with...
God Speed Eric A very sad day for sure, we all have lost another one of our family members! May God bless the Medlen family in their time of loss...
Jeff Isbell and team will be there, Jeff and Rick should be at the Track today and the rest of us will be driving down tonight....
Yes it is true, I have not talked to Aaron this week but he has been putting things together for a while now.. I am surprised he has not done a...
Jim is doing ok. He took some pretty hard knocks, after we helped put the car in his trailer his back was pretty sore so they opted to take him...
Great to hear all is on line for the team. also great you gave the chassis builder credit but his name is Chip Nielsen! not Nelson.... :D
Looks like AO may have the Div 2 title, by defeating Ashley at the Div 2 Race at Sliver Dollar Raceway. Congrats To Aaron and the rest of the...