Separate names with a comma.
Good Luck Tate & Team ....go get'em guys :D Stay Safe!!!!! See ya'll there!!! [img] [ April 29, 2005, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: KathyL ]
Nice galleries David...Thanks for doing what you do for us fans. I always look forward to seeing your pic's. [img] Was great seeing you and...
Will what a great thread to start... my memories of Shelly are all great she was just that kind of lady. I will remember her as she was at the...
Won't make this unless my plans changes. :( But it was really neat hearing all the advertising going on at the Houston Divisional Race by...
Nice work David...nothing you miss with your photo's...Thanks for doing this and sharing them with all of us. [img]
Thank you usual awesome job. See ya at Houston. :D [ March 27, 2005, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: KathyL ]
Good job Dave, Thanks
Audio this morning said HBP. I too hope he is o.k.
Nice pass guys!!! 5.564 @ 257.58 :D (ty DS) [ March 19, 2005, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: KathyL ]
Congrat's Shelly and Team..... I enjoyed the weekend and the visit. Stay safe girl and keep going rounds!!!! :D Good Luck see ya'll at Houston...
Great job Tate and Shelly and Crews ya'll did great!!! See ya'll again at the Houston National, stay safe and Good Luck at Gainesville. [...
If every goes ok from what I have heard Tate, Kandi and Marleigh will be going home today. She is a cutie. Miss Marleigh Micole Branch...
Talked to Tate on Wed. & Thurs. afternoons and things seem to be looking up for Marleigh Micole Branch, Tate and Kandi's little girl. I have since...
Congrats "Bars Leaks crew" WTG [img]
Cool shots David!!!! [img]
Nice photos as always David, thanks for sharing. [img]
Here are some of the action from Rusk..It was great meeting those I got to meet, and good luck to all the rest of the season. This one is for...
Was at the Rusk track yesterday, nothing but sunshine (HOT!!) :cool: :cool: nice track, packed with drivers, teams when I got there...
You go David Smith. I think what you are doing with this award is top notch. [img] Good Luck to all Teams!!
Excellent job David as usual, keep up the great work, love to see those racing pictures.. And you cover all classes Thanks. [img] Was good...