Separate names with a comma.
Butch, When you get a chance could you send me pictures of the Crower 10" 3 disk clutch and all that comes with her? The flywheel without ring...
Will do you still have one of the blower starters left? if so could you send a picture to and let me know what it would be...
Butch, Those Olson zoomies will they fit BAE fuel heads? If so could you send pics of them to Thank you I will also get...
Jason, I have the same barrel valve thanks for posting this!
Do you have any pics of the Mag Stage V rocker covers? If could you please send to
Would you separate the valve covers and if so what would you have to have for them?
Could you send pics of the TFX pan external and internal to
The crank does she have 3" mains what type of splines RCD PSI?
Would you have pics of the cranks what are you are asking for each? Can you define what low run means to you? The Dechellis stands are they RS2s?...
Barry thank you for the 9/16" info on the RS2 stands I am very interested in them. When would be a good time to call you? my # is 802-766-3045....
Could you send a pic of the AJPE Stands shafts and rockers? Thank you
Did you get any replies I am wondering about the same deal?
The RCD bearing support gear drives are for TFX I take it (I have a TFX-96)? Are they complete with shims idler crank gear if you have some...
Thank you Sir I was wondering about boring the sleeves or having to go with new to me sleeves.
Scott, Thank you very much for the info yes the sleeves I have now are 4.187. This gives me some good ideas on stuff to look for in the head and...
Any ideas or insights on heads and crank stroke? I know I am not the first to try this and have been reading threads on this but I haven't seen...