Separate names with a comma.
Is what you want...the info that others have gained, spending countless hours and dollars to gain, for free?
Back "in the day", My Top Gas car was 30.5 out. The pipe was originally built as a T/F car, 30.0 out. When we lowered the rear axle, to get ground...
? Cubic feet???
Check your local yellow pages under "metal finishing".
If you're looking for the gold color on Magnesium, the process is Dow 7. The "trick" is that you have to talk to the guy doing it, and have him...
How big are your breathers?
Maybe I should do an inventory and put it in the classified section.
What are you looking for? I have a few "extra" parts.
Just measured one in the shop, 1.183 .
I've been both ways on this. Back a couple of years BL (Before LENCO), we ran high gear only. Went 7.60's around 198/199 out the back door. Then...
"back in the day", we ran Mickey's in my Top Gas motors. I'd buy'em new from Ed Pink so they were "cold stabilized, checked, and had the bolts set...
BT,DT with blown gas,(old "Top Gas" racer). I used to have a couple of bushel baskets full of "singed" and "hammered" 392 (464) Chrysler pistons....
It's been almost 40 years since I've talked to Humpy but, from memory, he is/was a pretty good guy. Back in the day, both he and Bowers tried the...
Strange as it may seem, toothpowder is excellent for lapping tapered seat check valves.:)
When I got a customers mag back from tom, I asked him "which plug wires do you suggest?". His answer was "Packard 440". Fortunately my customer...
'Er, that's Dow 7, as in Dow Chemical Company that developed the process. BTW, if you have them pull it out half way thru the process, it comes...
Heck, I thought everybody knew that it's "Cornbread r square".:p
I bought the book, paid the money to join that forum, was never granted access. No nuttin.:mad:
I'll go along with the "remember" part but, tho I've used Henry since he worked for Reath, the last 3 cranks I've taken to him however,...lets...
We used to call that "shimmey"...caster shake.