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does it make a diff. on a supermag4 to run solid wires or do the other ones work just as good?
my motor starts and revs fine until i step on it to do burnout it goes to popping and snapping running a super mag4 27lbs boost. anybody else...
im running a kuhl standard 14-71 on my bbc what would the maximun rotor speed be on this kind of blower? 10,000 12,000 ??? was thinking or...
trying to get my motor tuned up and was just thinking that a trip to the chassis dyno might save 10 trips to the track thats 100miles away just...
im currently running a buzzard on my blown 540 i was thinking of swapping to a cf hat and i was wondering if its worth the $$ even though i love...
im new to the blown alky and this thing is kicking my but here is what im running 540 bbc with brodix bb2 heads 11.7 comp. enderle 990 pump...
Why does my kuhl 14-71 have 10 bolts to bolt to the intake instead of the normal 8 like i see on most other 14-71 blowers. Is there something im...
im thinking of running a crowerglide clutch in my "baby" pro mod 14-71blown 540 in a 2600lb car door slammer, ,my car isnt setup for a clutch...