Separate names with a comma.
Maybe I'm not up on all the fan stuff, but I have a rememberance of Bob Otto using the car of one Don St. Arnaud from Edmonton to show his program...
Optima yellow top Dan; my "34 Plymouth would get driven maybe 100 miles a year in the last 5 years, so I encountered the same problem. My...
I'll go along with that !
Bill; from what I've seen, you're correct. Most std. alky are 2" from head face, while nitro are usually 4". My guess is they'll read cooler, but...
Joe Wiles; You may or may not know me, I'm one of the guys that SFI "invalidated" for having what proved to be the correct vote in the "heat...
Crappact Gettin hot now........ Bill may have to buy a Taylor suit to go to court! linky:
Listen to Michael above.............. or put the front tires on the back and it'll live a lot longer:eek:
Ol' Norm Dave; A lot of us know exactly what you mean........... It was easy to imagine a "beanie" on him, and when he really got to explaining...
Skid AlteredFan; my guess is you're an Aussie. After 14 trips, I speak a little OZ:) So as not to confuse the Yanks, in OZ speak, a skid is a...
Anybody else remember Jack Ostrander at Pomona being knocked out from tire shake, I do.
Will; there are two places on this planet with not just moisture, but a petrochemical/ salt air condition, that's Houston and Brisbane, Qld. that...
Rusty; I don't think BRAND means much anymore to a supplier who is just a "reboxer", it's wherever they can get wire from to stuff their boxes. I...
Ricky; that rings a bell, but I think that was the era of the easy to come by Oxweld #65, so I didn't experiment much, and didn't need to....
Ya, but I'd like to tell someone I won something;)
Do I win a trip to San Diego? coool, couldn't think of a better place to be:)
Mike and Brad; as an amen to that, while standing in front of Ralph's bench one night, we flowed a jet, pulled it out, scraped the backside with a...
Long story; Jack Jones stood for hours as a model for the Wally. NHRA gave Jack a lifetime pass for his work, but then renigged. Jack took them to...
Corey; you are somewhat correct. Since the 60's through the early 80's, everybody used Oxweld #65 made by Union Carbide to the closest spec...
I probably should stay out of this, because some 5 yr. experienced person will correct me, and after SFI "invalidated" Don Long, Dave Uyehara, and...
Looks like they borrowed Kosky's barrell valve wrench.:D