Separate names with a comma.
fugus.... fuzzy white/ grey stuff that could be corrision same as the yucky stuff that gets on the battery terminals.. lol with the high...
been using a msd 10 , with alternater , with sbc , crab top msd dist , twin turbo , mech fuel inject. since 2005 i wet and dried the contacts...
x2 also drill a hole about no.1 cylinder lead allows air in and out and check phasing ash
just thinking out aloud... what ignition you running? we run ttsbc , mfi , 30 + psi boost , and had to use a msd 10 to burn the meth fuel....
showed 1000+ at the wheels grout filled, .030 bore , std crank , 4 bolt main, std cast caps, std bolts regularly went 7.2 @ 191 AT 1900 LBS...
WJ the 13 gal pump probaly is a end 110. they not flow 13 gals, more like 12.2 to 12.4 gals the 15 gal pump is a end 990 ? and 18...
i would at a guess go with 11.1 to be safe you can always take fuel out... depends on how good your blower is, camshaft, ignition etc...
WJ... here is a few post from a fuel math question i asked a while ago......
hey, you guys are getting it good... we pay $220 australian for 44gals over here... for just the regular methanol from the oil companies.....
works well with turbo's too ;) ash
Cheers, thanks mike ash
Ta, Thanks for link. cheers ash
yep, sent him an email thanks for the reply ash
Been doing some searching, but not much found.... currently running twin turbo sbc , mechinical fuel injection, methanol fuel. found out that we...
rang him couple times last week.... he's pretty busy.. keep trying ash
hi, not sure where you guy's have lamba readings or you tune by squish on big end bearings. If so, what is the mathermatical equation that lamba...
fuel maths dyno was real good to get a tune and know what the max hp i could gain... now, have to tune engine in converter car, have enough...
fuel maths travis, check ur email
fuel maths ok, to cover some different opinions, i have dynoed this turbo engine , and now am trying to work out the maths to double check the...
hi, just trying to work out fuel flow in LB's per hr for a given horse power figure. The engine is sbc ,twin turbo , mechanical injection,...