Separate names with a comma.
You can use Dow Corning DC-4 if you can get a hold of it or just plain old petroleum jelly on pneumatic system orings.
Some people say an out of balance clutch will kill rear mains.
Could you send some photos oil pans to And what size pickup they are.
Have a look on skygeek website and search "Eaton toggle" and see if any of those switches may suit your application. They are all mil-spec...
Do you know the length of that type of output shaft. The one I have in the main gearbox now is 7 3/8" long from the end of both splines not...
What is the minimum required length between the engine plate and rear end centre line for easy removal/install of a 3 speed CS1 with 8 5/8" can.
Are they for large or small stands
I have 2 crower 10" pedal clutches one has rivets holding the facings on to the flywheel and donut and the other has the countersunk screws. Which...
Not too surprised at the different values for different lubes. We maintain A380 and A330 wheels and brakes for Qantas and the torque specs varies...
Just wondering what sleeves will fit a JP1 block, would like to get a few spares. Bore is 4.310"
Ok well thanks for what info you provided.
I'm in Australia. Would you be able to send a bit of info on the different type of intake manifold needed. I believe I read somewhere about...
I have a set of old 10 bolt brad fuel heads on my engine. I've found some cheap AJ3 fuel heads. Are they interchangeable with each other. Do...
What style of centerline wheels do you have and what stud pattern and backspace are they. Thanks Michael
Interested in the MW center and Taylor engine cover. Sent you a email. Thanks Michael.