Separate names with a comma.
I use the cool vest like JP and its great. I have lots of spare icepacks in a chilly bin so I have fresh frozen packs every time I put on my...
Rockers And another vote for T&D. Three seasons old and all still good. Whatever brand you end up using, make sure that the bolts that hold the...
Afr Another thing to consider is idle fuel volume is a function of both BV leak AND idle check valve pressure. If everyone is running the same...
Cracks Hi Mike, with the proximity of the cracks to the pin boss, is it possible that the wrist pin is flexing and working the piston in that...
Hi gt. What size tyre are you running ? What RPM do you shift at ? What is the stall speed of the converter and do you load up against the...
Input shaft Hi Miles. When you fit the oversize input shaft you will need to machine out the ID of the stator support shaft. Whether you remove...
P/g Hi miles. I have a P/G behind a mild 560BBC with 8-71 running 6.9 @ 194 with 1.05 short times. We started with a reasonably good trans and...
How high a percentage of water is needed to reduce the flammability ? Jim
Weak liNK hI Jody,dad is good 100%. I wish all advice was so easy. We have just had FOUR rain affected dates followed by a trans failure out of...
Pushrods :):)Hi everyone, I dont know any Mantons personally but I do use their double taper pushrods(with toolsteel top balls). With the crap...
Another hint Jody, after you have repaired and strengthened the exhaust bosses and stands, I`d recommend checking the intake valvetrain on the...
Hi Jody, did an exhaust or intake or multiple threads pullout? If it was exhaust threads, do the bosses on the 18 deg dukes have a cut away...
4.25 crank & 9.8 block Something else to keep in mind is that when a 4.25 or larger crank is used in a standard deck height block, the pistons...
co2 I couldnt get my bottle filled in New Zealand so I adapted some fittings to hook it up to the argosheild bottle on my mig welder. I put...
Filter We run a System One filter between our Enderle 110 pump and BV. We do not run a pump saver. The filter is the next smaller one in the...
Pump You mentioned that the pump flowed 12.2 GPM@ 123psi. What prompted the 123 psi check? Is that a known standard?