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i have a century bb chevy block how big of a lower pulley in 8mm will clear the fuel pump extension will it clear a 90 tooth thanks
switching to a lencodrive i have have been told it is tricky to vent without making a mess does anyone have good method that works and if so did...
is the problem solved did you ever solve the problem we are having the same problem after two runs tried to spin bearing good oil pressure...
check pm check private messages
jp have you run the two speed and did you have to run a lock up clutch thanks sammy
come on come on now looking for something to try this weekend not over the winter i would have to change my gear sets which i do not have for the...
with our cs1 fine spline we can not get that low of a first gear in a three speed lowest they make is 1.25 gear sets which would make a 1.56 first...
We run a pro mod car with a psi d case on it 2500lbs 5.00 rear gear 1.60 first gear crower 10.7 clutch hoosier tires having problems with hi wheel...
mike so port popets should not be on while on the two step? i knew they should just be at crack point when when swaping feet but did not know the...
can a manual boost gauge with a one way valve show higher boost than it really has i have a 1671 lit shows 45-46 lbs of boost on run but engine...
thanks for the reply i just noticed while cleaning system with compressed air it took very little pressure to open the valve in oppsite flow...
anyone any suggestions thanks
do you need to run a one way valve (check) when using this valve as a lean out. i have it plumbed from the bv to the valve out of valve to a log...
the only thing the bolts have on them is venolia a1 it shows on venolia web site h11 a1 7/16 bolts lost papers on torq spec was trying to button...
what is the torq spec on the 7/16 a1 bolts in venolia rods thanks
we did all the above changes and no change wrote over current file in box with 7531 v09 defalut in file menu and made the changes for the mag and...
what can i use on my jacks so it will not lift the front of the car before the rear thanks
the method i have been using is fire on the mag set mag timing at 28 deg switch over to trigger while engine is running set trig on 28 no start...
checked the the trig to be shure the wires did not cross when i added extension and it was correct i will remake the trigger leads does it matter...
i added the 12 inches myself no ground just cliped the end and added 12 inches of wire twisted together soldered the end back on when i bypass...