Separate names with a comma.
did TA get screwed again in qualifying and only get one shot for Friday at Indy?
I wasn't paying attention, why no Top Alcohol at the Michigan divisional?
As for O'Bannon not hurting parts, he blew the motor in the semis having to replace an entire motor leading to a small part malfunction in the...
Glad to here nothing life threatning! Was it an FED or or new style?
After 1 round at Topeka, it's 4 A/Fools against 4 BAD's. Is that parity?????
Good to see Callaway running, at all! Too bad he's not at Topeka.
After two rounds, its AFool-BAD-AFOOL-BAD-AFool. Yes, Reichert is ahead of OBannon by .11, but, OBannon is ahead by how much on third. Maybe its...
As much of a nitro fan as I am , I want to see parity between the two combinations. Each has its positives. BAD has their leave, AFools have their...
Early in the year people were complaining about the lack of parity in TAD. Everyone said wait until Topeka. Well its here! Before they start...
Wasn't the question "interstate commerce?" Depends on who's definition of interstate commerce. The one issueing the ticket!
Will the rest of the field be able to catch up to Reichert? #2 is at 5.5
Given the results of 1st session, is it A/Fool Or B/AD weather? Seems equal.
They were rained out Saturday. The decision was made to let them have a run for qualifying.
I was wondering how the reaction would go! Love it !
Will, I appluade you on trying to motivate the B/AD crowd! May the response be soon and many in the positive! Keep Top Alcohol a two combinations...
What happened to TARA? Why?
As an outsider, one who isn't racing Top Alcohol, what are the figures, $ wise, as to changing A/Fool to run a different %, and B/AD to run a...
Gee, can we turn this thread into B/AD vs A/Fool? Who's weather is that? Can the B/AD's get enough heat to run well?
What would it take to put on an "outlaw" event for alcohol cars?
I love the diversity of the class. I don't want either side to disappear. What is going to happen on those hot humid summer days? Will the...