Separate names with a comma.
The implementation of NHRA's new advisory committee sounds great. I hope it has teeth to adjust rules. One of the groups is for TA. Now, maybe,...
I'm surprised at how few entries there are for Pomona T/AD as of now. Are people just waiting? Lee Nitroclovers
If alcohol gets to $10 a gallon switch to ch3no2.:D Lee
God bless our troops. May BADs git their lock up and blower. May A/Foolers get 98%. Lee NItroclovers
Awesome!!! Way to kick butt. Now will you try to double in TA?:D Lee
Thanks to all of you. Happy Thanksgiving!!! To all of you in the military and those with family in the military, THANK YOU. Lee Nitroclovers
I know asking which is better is opening a can of worms--for pulling a 40 foot goose-neck trailer, is one brand 1 ton dually better than another?...
Has anyone used, or is using noise canceling headphones? I've seen the Bose and Audio Technicas for commuting. How do they work around TF/TA? Lee
Is it too late to say in TAD it'll be either Reichert or Hirata? At 5.1? Lee
AWESOME SHANNA!!! Congradulations!! Lee
Excuse my ignorance, have the TA titles been determined, mathematically? Are Bill and Ace champs? Lee
NMR new sponsor Congradulations!!!! Does this mean we'll see Pete in your pits?:)
O J D Please check your PMs
O.J.D., please check your pm's. thanks!
Being the electonic whiz that I am I didn't record the ESPN2 broadcast of the NHRA LODRS event at Pomona. Does anyone have a VCR tape or DVD that...
Dave, those are some awesome photos! Reminds me of how getting there is so much a part of the road trip. Look forward to seeing more photos of...
With TAD qualifying finished at Dallas Sean O'Bannon is #1 in his B/AD.(new pulleys?) I'm surprised Lee Callaway is so far back. Is this parity?
this is awsome!! NHRA is really listening! Come on B/AD's! Will this make a difference for teams that were on the fence on whether or not to...
Thanks for the update and addititional info!
did TA get screwed again in qualifying and only get one shot for Friday at Indy?