Separate names with a comma.
Now that NHRA has mandated alcohol cars have the shut off transmitter does this not indicate NHRA has plans to make these classes compete on the...
Medicine hat As a volunteer member of the MHDRA (and organizer/racer contact) I was in the burnout area when this "LITTLE" incident happened .......
class act Sorry was away on weekend what did he do as such a nice gesture ??
less than a month If any Top Alcohol teams plan to attend please let me know ASAP still only eight entries confirmed . Thanks Ian gellately...
response I'd like to thank the racers that have responded to the post about our race . So far we have 8 cars confirmed 4 dragsters and 4 funny...
ideas Just some thoughts on getting participant out to race expenive cars - increase the purses to realistic levels ... meaning the track...
T/A Shootout A/FC thanks for the kind words appreciate that . So far eight cars confirmed should be a wild show Ian
Shootout Anyone wanting a round by round payout please contact me .... we have 8 cars confirmed so far looks like another great race Thanks...
money They want you to get a permit to Maybe win MONEY, lol that is a good one good thing they aren't asking if you turn a profit ... HaHa after...
really SAl Was this last post really the REAL SAL or just another april fools joke lol
thanks Will Thanks for letting our club use the space to attract racers Ian Gellately
Invitation: Medicine Hat drag Racing Association June12 qualifying,13 eliminations 2010 Club owned, built and run...
Cliff Ian Gellately here from Medicine Hat I would like your e mail address so I can add you to the group for mass mailings my address is...
Thare must be a way to save just the rules that a team needs ?? I'm not that Adobe literate (-; I don't want to have to print the whole deal or...
bead rings and wheel studs ?? Hard to believe these can be broken even with the quality of the components involved ..... seems to be another...
Didn;t Bob Tasca lose a wheel at the last race or was that the center breaking out ??
body parts I thought when I read that on NHRA's site that maybe the body and shrapnel came off after the finish line ?? littering the track is...
Jet Size Yeah I lost my program as well could someone send me a copy with the instructions (-;
I would like to find some math to put in my scientific calculator to resolve corected altitude .... my son left the calculator when he moved out...
A friend of mine used to add some model airplane nitro to his alcohol ..... no tester ...... worked well untill he put too much in ..... boom........