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You need to prime the engine before first start up I don’t think the accumulator is enough for intial start up of a freshly rebuilt engine 2nd why...
We run on crank trigger no fie crossover switch we do run a 44 amp mag not sure it makes a difference
It’s a synthetic blend very sticky stuff alcohol will not mess with it at all first time we changed oil tried to use alky to wash out the drain...
Larry Jeffers xtream brand products is the only way to go they make it in 50 60 70 and 20-50 made 10 1/8 mile runs on same oil looks great when it...
Who needs new technology just put an a980 whipple from 1999 on a 4.500 stroke veney headed motor and run low 3.80s to mid 3.70s in a 2400 lb pro...
The grid plugs into the 8147 box where the chip would normally go that’s how it controls rpm limit.
Extreme brand products racing oil. It’s sold by Larry Jeffers race cars it is really good stuff we have been running it for two years and no...
What spread are the lifters and dia
Wayne roberts has a pro bell for hemi starter pockets on both sides think he wants $750 for it 316-761-7208
Contact Cody barklege with starting line Motorsport he has been working on several cars with comsync efi blown and turbo he should be able to tell you
Call Larry Jeffers xtream brand products for oil it is good quality oil
is there or what’s the advantage / disadvantage of the 1066 2.600 intake valve veney head over a 2.5 valve head. 526 blown alky with a a980...
Do you still have the -.500 short deck 8x head engine for sale and what cubic inch is it and what spares come with it. You can text me or call at...
what’s the typical life span for a carbon fiber drive shaft looking at getting one and know a guy that has two used ones but I’m not sure how many...
Does that make a horse power or performance difference. Do they have different angles for dragster vs funny car ?
looking to upgrade heads wanting to know what the difference between the brad 8 and 8x heads are
Mike is the tutterow deal Bruno/quick/ty drive only can’t think of needing it on a Lenco drive (asking for my own car as we run a Lenco drive )
You can kill the car in the shutdown and coast to a complete stop with the car off then move to neutral the reason you use the trans brake when...
We ran a Lenco drive for the first time this year first few passes had to train driver to bring the car to a stop with brake pedal hold trans...
I believe there are different nozzles for the different extinguishing agents