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good & bad methanol Thanks Craig Moss for the favorable comment about our methanol book. Regarding the original question about good and bad...
small block crank snout limit I do not know if it was said before anywhere else but if you run a standard small block crank snout, it will sheer...
KB oil fix at the block The stage 3 block is a water block. Oil will squirt by the head stud coming from the block, and fill the block as it is...
tanks leon Thanks Leon for the favorable comment about our fuel injection book. bob szabo
Check out the article by Beth Szabo at Fans of Cacklefest can read about an old Scotty Fenn dragster...
IHRA gave permission to post an article that I wrote about the racecar as a business. It was run in IHRA's "Drag Review Magazine" '06 Issue 2,...
There is a testamonials page on our website [URL=""] On that page are responses from several racers and fuel injection...