Separate names with a comma.
Also check your tank to fuel pump feed line with any hoses for possible collapse from a kink in the line, engine mounting shift from loading...
You guys are serious. FYI: Info on pulsing the fuel curve that would apply to this thread:...
While it may be late in the response, I ran some numbers through our ProCalc on this combination; examining the air to fuel ratio (afr) as a...
manual priming safety tip When a crew member is priming an engine to start it, he or she should keep an exit pathway in mind in the event the...
other blower belt failure causes Ignition interrupt Rev limiters if you run one throw all kinds of front loading. The engine is at full...
fuel pressure location If you measure it before the barrel valve, you will get high readings from part throttle operation such as during a...
ran em on an altered We ran new MT 34.5 x 17s on 14 wide cragars with liners & tubes. They would not shake. They would spin and slide around on...
more on ait to fuel ratio & fuel pressure Ya, I found through the years that setting up air to fuel ratios with nozzle & jet size numerical...
Pro-Calc jetting program analysis Your 8 nozzle baseline was entered into our Pro-Calc jetting program for a setup with two nozzles per cylinder,...
Pro-Calc nozzle & jetting program ON-LINE APPLICATION: It is on-line through an internet ready device. Up to three baseline setups can be...
noxxles & jetting with pro-calc We have an online calculator: Pro-Calc. You can set up blown or normally aspirated engines. Control air to fuel...
be careful starting it We set up a new combo last year. Ran 5% through 30%. However, we dropped the compression down to a little over 8 to 1....
Our latest news letter, fuel injection tuning & tax time, has info on capitalizing the sale of a racer at a loss. If you sell out a racer that...
go with the thicker bore The air into the engine is a function of the blower and overdrive. So the power made by the air and fuel will be about...
some whys TOPSIDE TORNADO Fuel flings off the rotors. With a forward bottom opening, much of it flings down. In the rear where there is no...
examples We built a hemi manifold that was just a large box above the ports with a radiiused bottom. About 750 ci volume. With about 5...
driving effect If a pump loop or high speed is after the barrel valve and the driver lifts, the engine goes fat. When the driver gets back into...
humidity vs. water grains Humidity is volume based. Water grains are mass (weight) based. Both should work for tuning. Water grains are...
Water grains free source For many of the land tracks in the US & Canada, check Once a track is selected, air density,...
vapor pressure & AD available free on-line at try Click on tracks from top right pull down....