Separate names with a comma.
Looking at these pics and other on other website I noticed the displays RPM bar is only going up to 9,500RPM,Will it display 10,500 RPM?
Thanks.. Yes meant to ask that..
Out of curiosity.. Whats the price difference of each sprag mentioned here? eg Normal HD Sprag? Eliminator Clip Sprag? Air Assist Sprag?...
What you guys are after should be possible for somebody to make... But I dont think the question is about the actual "limiter" itself.. We need...
On the topic of Digital Dash for loggers... Has anybody had problems running a say 8 amp points mag with solid core leads? Just wondering how...
Thanks for the replys... very interesting.Id like to look at it to get a better idea.. Sounds like a good thing and once initual spending...
Just wondering if anybody got any pics of inside the newer spragless version of the lenco cs2. mainly want to know whats different inside them?... Heres the link down the page Promag 66amp... Very old 2002 !!! Im with Will on this topic.. More Mag =...
I have no Doubt what your saying is correct,But the reason for the rewinding was for "speedway use".They do lots of laps and run the mag for alot...
Sorry if im hijacking the thread, But Does anybody know who Re wires the windings inside a 44 Mag with thicker guage material? Ive heard of it...
Yeah,think I might have to ring them... Thanks..
My B3356 master cyl from strange engineering needs the lines connected so i went to buy adapters for the -3an brake hose im using.The pnematics... worries..
After reading this gave me an idea... If you just make lines loose as mentioned with no manifold.. why not have a second steering wheel? that...
You just need the parts that are inside the intermediate case.Pretty straight forward. make sure you check what spline your ring gear and gear...
where do you buy these Ferite Beads from? Im planning to use a Mallory Mag with Efi...
Thanks for that Nitrorelapse...
Agreed Cs2 is 250 and Cs1/# is 150.... whilst on topic of this a quick question.. Any one used the Cs1 airpods on the Cs2?(can you put 250psi...
O.k. thanks for that i miss understood... I was thinking they just re released it.... now i wonder how old that pdf is..hmmm???
Sorry i should have put a bit more info... The newer supermags have seem to come out with a Breakerless option.. this uses a Shutter wheel and a...