Separate names with a comma.
Our KB stage 10 is eating our pistons, after 3 rounds they look awful. Did not have the same problems with the BAE engine we ran before....
Output SFI/whipple We are running a Whipple A980 at 62% in our TAFC ( europe). the output is 42 psi at 7400 RPM and 49 psi at 8500 rpm . whats...
sealing lenco The problem is that we have a little oil on the back side of the pressure plate after a run . I had a new sealing mounted but its...
Does anny one know the part number on the front seal of a CS1. or even better the size. all measurements.
What weekend is next years Gatornationals( 2009). is it always the same weekend in Mars. or ??
Hi Whats the better choice of pistons, JE or Arias. running 526 brad 5. whipple. And Who used to run fast with wipple before they were baned. TAFC
Burgins Email is his e-mail
Another great Incar video incar video OF Kjell Sjoblom from Sweden
Happyhollydays to you all some fun about Nascar fan
What partnumber is the PROMAG 44 Hemi wires to use for a TAFC.
Pistons JE pistons
How much piston clearence is needed in 526 TAFC hemi 4,310 bore
at what should ½" headstuds be torqued at KB , BAE 5 heads.
Is it only me, or is the sound on the NHRA live audio bad. Sounds like an Old rockabilly mickrophone. Please tell me if there is any way to get...
Detroit Diesel part number ?? And what is the Detroit Diesel part number ?. hard time finding it here in Sweden.
The Car is still alive I think thats the Body my old mechanic uses as a Supercomp car in Northern part of sweden.
Nitroglycerin Over here we heard it was Nitroglycerin in cotton. not nitromethane
Iam going over to Florida for a two week vacation 10-24 April . are there any lokal racetracks that have Alcoholcars during that time ?? And...
Is there anyone that can and want to tape or even better if some one has a DVD recorder and can make a copy of the NHRA races broadcasted on ESPN....
what about computech DataPro-45 is this a god one or what ??